Double Agent

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Being Tony Starks daughter made you the perfect target to turn into a double agent.

You went on a solo mission that "turned bad" but no one knew it had turned bad until the Avengers had to rescue you after being held captive for almost eight months. They found out through a video of you being beaten.

What they didn't know was that you spent those eight months in the knew Red Room where you worked closely with Yelena. You spent a few weeks being beaten which is where the video came from, but after that you were put under their mind control and trained. Once in a while you could break through the control, which infuriated Dreykov to no end. He even brought Melina in for a couple months to "fix it" because he planned on using you to go against the Avengers and bring Natasha back to him. It was there that Melina worked to try and help you permanently break the control, but she couldn't. Dreykov got too suspicious so she found a way for you slowly re-break through the control after a few months.

This allowed you to start the mission and return to the Avengers while also being able to slowly break the mind control in a "controlled" environment. But the mind control was holding too strong, and you were stuck in a sort of limbo. You would try to make some sort of gesture to make the others aware that you were stuck but no one realized a difference... except for Natasha. Of course Natasha knew and picked up on it. You had been the one constant in her life since she joined Shield. You were a child Shield agent as your mother was an agent who happened to hookup with Tony. Because of that you had been in Natasha's life since you were a toddler. So it's no secret that she knew you inside and out.

She picked up on the difference and change in you the moment you stepped back into the compound. They were like subtle cries for help and Nat couldn't figure out a way to help you.

Everything came to head when you tried to un-sabotage a mission, fighting with yourself. You didn't hear Cap command the team to converge on your location and as soon as they did they finally saw what Nat had been seeing for months. Your internal battle had finally become an external one and they didn't know what to do.

As Cap went to throw his shield at you Wanda and Nat stopped him at the same time. Wanda could hear your mind screaming for help while feeling the fear of what you were doing was rolling off you in waves. Whereas Nat could see you visibly struggling trying to stop yourself.

"Nat" you gritted out. "Please... I don't want to do this. I can't stop it." You continued. But as you continued talking you kept switching from almost crying to a stone cold mask.

You made one last push of consciousness outside of the mind control to say "I can't go back there... please I won't survive."

The next thing you saw was darkness as Wanda knocked you out with her powers.

With the team unsure of its next move, Wanda felt like this was safest option.

Nat and Wanda sat with you while you were knocked out on the jet, but no one was surprised by that as they were the closest to you. But as soon as they got back to the compound there was nothing they could do when Steve went to throw you in a cell.

With an inkling of who did this to you and who held you captive, Nat knew this wasn't going to end well. Especially because she knew the mind games typically used, and you were not going to trust them after this.

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