Happy Mothers Day

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It's been almost a year since Natasha gave her life to bring everyone back. And while Clint had a feeling there was a grave in Ohio for Nat, he made his own for her. At the edge of his property over looking a pond sat a tree that Nat carved her initials in when he brought her to the farm for the first time. Since then another set of initials were carved into the tree, but she hasn't been back here since Nat died. But nobody could really blame her, not even Fury who managed to visit the makeshift grave once a month.

It was a chilly Sunday morning on the farm, it wasn't until Clint walked out on the porch did he finally notice a figure at the edge of his property. He leaned up again the rail next to Laura as she told him that she'd been here all morning.

But before Clint could even move towards the girl, Nick Fury showed up. It was then that Clint knew he was the one who needed to talk to her.

As nick got closer to her, he heard a whispered "Hi Nick" before he took a seat next to her. He fully analyzed the girl to his left. Bags under her eyes and sunken in features were a clear indication that the girl hadn't been taking care of herself. But this was the first time in months Fury had seen the girl so he said nothing about what he saw.

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes before the girl finally spoke up and said "I'm letting her down Nick." Fury only turned to look at the girl in an effort to encourage her to continue. She took a deep breath before she continued to say "she's all I had left. All that secret training to hopefully lead the Avengers some day but how can I lead others and save the world when I can't even save myself. I'm drowning Nick and this time I don't have someone to save me."

As tears rolled down her face He fully turned to her and said "there is no one else I trust more in this position then you. Natasha was like my own, and because of that I knew she prepared you for this both mentally and physically." He took breath before continuing and said "She loved you with everything she had in her, and I know leaving you was probably the hardest thing she's had to do. But don't doubt her trust in you. Your heart is why I chose you. It's why you and her had a special bond. You aren't alone."

You sat there and pondered his words before turning and saying thank you. He flashed his super rare half smile as he got up and made his way to the car. As you got up you turned around to lay a white rose by tree. Before leaving you whispered "Happy Mother's Day mom, I miss you" hoping that somewhere she could hear you.

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