There was an Idea

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*Happy Mother's Day one shot prequel*

Nick Fury. The man who started it all knew that one day, his original six hero's would no longer be a part of the team. So there was an bring in a new hero, one that would lead the next generation of hero's. And that one person was you.

As he was secretly rebuilding a small part of shield with his right hand, Deputy Director Maria Hill, he had come across a girl. Not just any girl, but an enhanced girl that like every other hero story, he saved from a difficult background. The girl kind of reminded him of Natasha, which is why he introduced her to you after a year.

God that year was the one of the hardest years he's ever had to experience. Not just dealing with an enhanced individual, but one who was barely 20 and came from an abusive past. That's just another reason he brought in Natasha. He was hoping that she could be your person.

But Fury knew he needed someone currently on the team to give her insights on the current dynamic. With there a few new people introduced after the OG6, he knew that having this insight would help her in the long run.

Which is why right after the Avengers defeated Ultron, he introduced you to Nat. Once Nick introduced you to Natasha, that's when he started to see a change in you. You no longer were the silent agent standing in the background... no not since Nat made sure her sass rubbed off on you.

She also brought Wanda in to help you harness your powers. They still didn't know the full extent of your powers, but with Wanda also being an enhanced, it gave you someone to train with outside of Nat and Hill. Wanda was only the fourth person to know of your existence and your purpose, and it stayed that way.

As the years dragged on you and Nat grew closer and closer. It wasn't until a year into her being on the run did you finally call her mama. With the way Nick constantly moved your safe house, it allowed Nat to come visit you every few months to check in. On the last day of this particular check in she wasn't sure the next time she'd be able to come visit you.

You weren't ever one to be vulnerable with your emotions. But once Nat went to walk out the door you grabbed her wrist like your life depended on it. Nat just turned and stared you... not pulling away, but waiting to see what would happen.

You muttered a shaky "mama please... promise me you're gonna come back. I have no one else." Nat had never smiled harder. She cupped your face and said "baby, I promise I'll be back for you."

Nat never promised anything, especially in this line of work. So you knew she would come back for you. That she wouldn't leave you behind. It took her till right before she rescued Wanda and Vision to come back but she did.

She promised, and she kept her promise. When it came to you, she would always come back for you.

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