Send Me Away

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You only knew two things. The first being that the red room raised you, and the second being that Yelena was the only person you could trust.

But what else could you expect. You came to the red room when you were 4 and Yelena was 11. Both of you were victims of Dreykov's subjugation but it was after he started pairing the most promising little ones with the best older ones. Which is how you met Yelena. But also because you were hand selected after Dreykov found out you were from a powerful witch bloodline, making you even more valuable.

Just like Yelena you were only the second 4 year old brought into the red room. So it was no surprise when Yelena formed a relationship with you like she had one with Nat. Except this time, it was her job to protect you.

You and Yelena became the most deadly pair the red room had seen, which in turn caused a bigger target on your back and higher expectations and it also meant horrible punishments when you failed. Which is what happened when Yelena was freed from the mind control. Dreykov saw it as your failure which turned into double the punishments.

They had a special facility for enhanced beings and their punishments. Which is where you were while Yelena was taking the down the red room with her family. After searching the rubble for hours Nat couldn't figure out what Yelena was searching for. It wasn't until she overheard one of the other widows tell her about the facility did she realize Yelena was searching for a person.

With only two vials left Yelena had to make her way to you and free you. But she wasn't alone. Nat and Melina both went with her in order to find you. And the sight that awaited them was hard to look at. They walked in to hanging on the wall chained up by your wrists. Multiple bruises, cuts and wounds littered your body. It's a good thing it was Melina and Nat who found you, because you did try to hurt them when they finally let you down before releasing the cure.

Yelena came in to find Nat pointing a gun at you, Melina holding the empty vial and you curled up in the corner whimpering and trembling in the pain. Yelena came up to you and shuffled away as you couldn't see straight so you couldn't tell it was her. It wasn't until Yelena spoke did you know who it was.

"Lena?" You asked.

"Yes baby it's me" she responded.

It was then you finally started crying and grabbed onto Yelena like she could slip away at any moment. She helped you up and you started to walk but you stumbled. Melina didn't see you stumble all she saw out of the corner of her eye was what looked like you charging at Nat. Next thing you know your shoved against the wall with a knife to your throat. Yelena and Nat frozen, and Melina saw red.

What she didn't see was the look of pure fear in your eyes. Yelena had to shove her mom off you before Melina took a really hard and long look at you. It was then did she see the scared and hurt child that was before her.

You were barely 18, and Melina cursed herself for making you that terrified. The three started to make their way to the jet with you following pretty far behind them, scared to get to close.

As you sat on the jet you couldn't help but hear bits and pieces of the conversation between the family that sat around you.

"What are we going to do with her" Melina asked.

"We could drop her off with child services and have them take care it" she continued.

"We could also drop her off with Fury. He'd know where to place her" Nat said.

"Whatever we do, she can't come with us. We have to leave her somewhere." As Melina said that your eyes shifted from one person to the next before stopping on Yelena's. You sat there trembling as you waited and strained to hear Yelena's response, and when you didn't hear one you got up from your seat and went to the small bedroom in the back, locking the door behind you.

You didn't answer the door when Melina, Nat and Yelena all tried to get you to open it.

You didn't come out when they landed, wherever they landed three hours ago.

It wasn't until the click of the door did you stop looking at the wall.

Yelena slowly approached the bed of the quinjet and sat down at the end of it. Not knowing what to do she sat there, letting you know she was there. Right as she was about to say something she heard the sound of your voice as you began to talk.

"When you left the experiments got worse. Dreykov viewed your defection as my fault. So not only did they experiment more, but the punishment was twice as bad because it was a failed two person mission."

You paused, trying to keep the tears at bay. But you couldn't help the tremble of your voice.

"You left me. All alone with no one."

Tears finally streamed down your face as you continued.

"And you're going to do it again."

Yelena sat there in shock as she didn't know how to respond. But once again you beat her to speak.

You whispered out "it's ok Lena, I understood. You finally got your family back, and that's all you ever wanted."

Yelena had never seen you be this vulnerable or look this broken. And it's all because you fully believed that you had no place in her life, in her family.

And that broke Yelena. All she ever wanted was to be your family, and while she knew you looked at her as your family, but it wasn't until just now did she realize that you also fully expected her to leave now that she had her family. It hit Yelena like a truck that you thought you weren't also her family. That you didn't believe you were her baby spider and that she would stay.

Maybe it was because of where you both grew up. Or maybe it was because no one had ever stayed.

When Yelena finally came back to reality she realized you had gone back to staring at the wall, body trembling and tears streaming down your face.

"Hey" Yelena said, but you continued to stare at the wall.

"паучок (baby spider)" She said as she turned your face to look at her. "They may be my family, but you, you're my baby spider. And that means you are just as important to me as they are. That makes you my family."

Yelena took a deep breath before continuing.

"I promised to always protect you. And I'm so, so sorry that I left you alone. But I needed to get help to free both of us and I went to the only person I could trust to keep you safe forever."

At this point both you and Yelena had tears streaming down your faces. What you didn't know if that Nat and Melina also had tears streaming down their faces as they listened to Yelena behind the door.

"I promise that I'm never leaving you alone again. You're never leaving my side baby spider. You're my family. Always and Forever."

"Always and Forever" you responded as Lena pulled you in a hug.

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