Oceans Apart pt. 4

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An: I'm not the biggest fan of this chapter and it's kinda short, but oh well! If you want to make a request let me know.

While all this was happening in the medbay room the rest of team still could not figure out who you were, and why you were so close and important to Nat and Yelena. So instead of sitting there, they decided to make their way to your room.

They stopped outside the door when they realized that both widows and you were crying. So they decided to wait outside the door with Clint and Wanda.

When your conversation came to an end and you were feeling more comfortable Nat let the team into your room. Wanda and Clint were quick to come over and give you a hug, while the rest of the team hung back still skeptical of who you are.

Tony was the first to speak when he asked who you were, essentially asking the question almost everyone wanted to know.

Natasha was quick to answer. "This is Yelena and I's younger sister, and third highest ranking member of Fury's new shield..."

"Ranking only behind myself and Agent Hill" came fury's voice behind everyone, startling everyone but you and the other two widows.

But the rage was rolling off Natasha in waves. "You have some nerve Nick" Natasha spat at him.

"Now Nat I know your mad but..." and before he could even finish Nat was yelling.

"MAD DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COVER IT NICK. IM FURIOUS" she said before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"Her and Yelena are all I have and you sent her... you sent both of us out in the field without one another. For 10 years you've sent us out together on the really dangerous missions"

With tears brimming her eyes her voice cracked as she said "and I almost lost her because I wasn't there."

And everyone in the room stood still. It was as if time stood still seeing the emotion come out of Nat. "Never again Nick."

"Never again" he repeated back.

"You're right" he started. "I messed up. I did and that call is on me. But as of two days ago, the third highest ranking member of Shield is now also an avenger. So you two will never again be separated on missions."

He let a big breath before stepping closer to talk only loud enough for the two of you and Yelena to hear.

"You two... you're closest things I have to family outside of agent hill. I look at you both and by proxy yelena, as if you're my own. And both of you got hurt that day. I almost lost one of you. So you're right Nat. Never again. I promise."

And with the emotion completely wiped from his face again he turned to leave. But not before addressing the rest of the avengers.

"If any of you so much as allow a scratch to happen to them. I will end you. And you won't see me coming" and with that he walked out the door.

"Well kid... it's nice to meet you. I'll um have a room made up for you next to Nat's" Tony said as he quickly left your room.

You turned to Nat and Yelena and said "I'm not a kid though." Nat and Yelena both chuckled before telling you that he calls almost everyone kid.

You sat for a while just talking to the team before falling asleep curled into Nat. Everyone took that as their cue to leave. Nat and Yelena just sat there with you, so thankful that you came back to them. Wanda got up to leave, being the last to make sure she was there for all of you. As Nat and Yelena got up to walk Wanda out you tightened your grip on Nat's shirt and Yelena's hand. You sleepily said "don't leave."

"It's ok" Wanda said. And she left, but not before leaving behind a little bit of her magic.

"Never маленькая вдова (little widow)" they said. Readjusting so you all could fit on the bed that Wanda made bigger as she left the room.

You were safe. With your family, forever being protected now that you would be by your sisters sides.

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