Yes ma'am

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You were in handcuffs as the team brought you aboard the quinjet. At 16 you were not only a former widow, but a former Hydra slave. You knew the typical rules:
1. don't talk unless you're spoken to
2. Never, ever look someone in the eye
2. ALWAYS address people by using either sir or ma'am
3. Don't refuse a punishment

So as you made your way to the compound you followed those three common rules hoping to avoid a punishment. So when Natasha sat down next you did everything in your power to avoid her gaze and hide away your emotions. That was until she tilted the head to look at her as she asked you her last question. After every question, including her last one you always finished it by saying ma'am.

While she still had your attention she told you that you didn't have to address her like that, to which you responded "yes ma'am." She sighed, it was going to be a long process to break those habits.

The first time you accidentally ran into her you panicked and told her that you were ready to accept any punishment she wanted to give you. Her heart sank at that. The fact that you were so use to abuse that you didn't know how to respond in this or any situation made her sad.

Over the next six months you slowly began to trust Natasha, you even became really close with Yelena. But you still had a hard time with most of the team, but you're getting there. The biggest milestone you had was that you finally stopped calling Nat ma'am, and that is a win in Nat's book if you were to ask her because you had finally begun to trust her. Not only that but you had started going on missions with the team. It seemed as if little by little things were getting better and you finally had a family.

Until everything changed. Something had happened on a mission and everyone on the team was worked up. Steve and Tony had just entered the jet when chaos erupted. Everyone was arguing with one another and you just sat there unsure what to do. You fiddled with the rings on your fingers until Yelena came and sat next to you. That was until Nat and Clint finally got the jet in the air and turned on autopilot and when they joined the group everyone stopped. Those that were sitting were now standing.

There was a jet full of people, a team all glaring at one another waiting for someone to make the first move.

Yelling and arguing erupted from the team and somehow you got pulled into it. One moment you were trying to explain what happened and the next you were getting slapped... by Natasha no less. The entire team froze.

You don't remember what you said or how you said it, you don't even know what you did wrong or how you got dragged into the arguing and yelling. All you knew now is you were getting a punishment, which means you deserved it. Yelena tried to step in and you flinched, it was the hardest flinch anyone had ever seen. It was then Nat knew she screwed up, before she could even apologize the whole team heard you say "I'm sorry ma'am, I'll take the rest of my punishment now."

The team was still frozen, having known now that you had taken several steps back because of this. They could see you try not to tremble as you awaited further "punishment."

"I'm sorry for flinching" you whispered, "it wont happen again ma'am, I won't move."

Nat didn't even know where to start. All she knew is that she royally messed up and let her temper get the best of her. She softened her voice as much as possible before saying "sweetie, remember we don't do punishments here. I shouldn't have slapped you, I'm sorry."

You just stood there unsure of if you were supposed to answer or not. The team just waited for your response. And they waited a while before you whispered "may I go sit back down now ma'am."

Nat just sighed before giving you the go ahead. God all she wanted to do was protect you and continue to help you work your way out of your shell. Instead she pushed you so far back into it she didn't know if you'd ever come out again.

As soon as you got back from the compound you quietly made your way off the jet and into the living area. After everything that happened on the jet you were so unsure of what you should/shouldn't do. So when Yelena suggested you go take a shower and relax in your room you immediately took off.

Leaving the rest of the team to figure out how to fix everything, to restore the progress they made with you. Because while none of them would admit it, you were their family and they were fiercely protective over you. They all realized they messed up, but out of everyone Nat was taking it the hardest.

Especially after Yelena pointed out how the one person who looked up to her even knowing her past now didn't know if she could trust her.

One thing Nat understood was trust and how hard it is to trust people, and now she didn't know if she were to ever have your trust again.

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