Oceans Apart pt. 2

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"I got her Nat. She's alive" and Maria took a deep breath before continuing. And that's when Nat knew there was a but coming.

"But god Nat she's not ok. She was tortured for five days in a bunker... it was a trap for her all along..." Maria's voice broke at that last sentence but she needed to prepare Nat for what's to come.

"Nat she hasn't stopped staring at the wall of quinjet ever since we boarded it and I'm the only one she lets get close to her or touch her... god she's still trembling and every 10 minutes or so she says your name or Yelena's."

"Nat I think they did something or showed her something bad about you and yelena and she's going to need both of you when we get back" Maria finally finished.

Before Nat could sit or process the information she asked Maria how long until you touched down. Then she moved into action.

She asked Wanda to make some food, preferably soup because Nat and Wanda both knew it was your favorite.

She then asked Yelena to get Cho ready because she didn't know what they had done to you, but if it's as bad as she fear you wouldn't want Bruce to look you over.

And finally she asked Clint to keep the team out of the way. They didn't know about you, and with what Maria's told her she didn't want to deal with all the questions before she knew if you were ok.

The team heard a quinjet landing and the next thing everyone knew Nat was sprinting past the living room to the jet, and as expected the team tried to follow. That was until Clint barked at them to sit. And with that everyone froze. Clint was never like that with the team, so they knew it was serious.

When the door lowered Nat waited for you to come out. When Maria exited alone and signaled towards the opening she knew she had to go into the jet to get you. She quickly, but carefully made her way up the ramp and to you.

When you heard footsteps you flinched away and tried to make yourself small in the corner. It took a lot of coaxing for you to let Nat near you. You were still trembling as you were stuck in flashback after flashback and you couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. When Nat was finally able to get closer, she was able to get a good look at all the bruises and cuts from the torture you went through. Her breath hitched and tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

But even as she tried to keep her emotions steady yours were swirling. You couldn't tell if what you were seeing was real. And Nat could see the emotion in your eyes as you looked at her, trying to decipher if she was there. She didn't want to rush you but you were getting paler from when she first entered the jet and she needed to get you to Yelena and Cho.

As she was about to get closer to scoop you up she heard a whispered "are you real" as she watched tears gather in your eyes. And her heart broke. She asked your permission to touch you and as you hesitantly said yes she brought your hand up to her heart.

"I'm real, I'm right here and you're safe now" Nat said as she watched even more emotion roll across your face. Relief flashed the longest before a sob ripped through your chest and Nat didn't hesitate to pull you into her.

"You're ok, I got you. I'm right here" she said as she stroked your hair, tears of her own threatening to fall.

While the was happening it was taking everything in Clint and Maria (who had gone in to wait for you and Nat) to keep the team seated and quiet because he knew Nat needed a clear shot to medbay.

After a couple minutes though Nat knew she couldn't wait any longer. She asked if she could take you to medbay. You only nodded as you gripped onto her shirt tighter. So afraid that if you were to let go she too would disappear.

Nat seemed to understand this and she continued to whisper that she was there. As she picked you up. Right before you both exited the jet she heard another whispered statement come from you.

"no Bruce please" you asked her.

"don't worry, I already had Yelena get Cho. It's just going to be us" she answered.

And with that Nat took off almost sprinting to medbay completely ignore the stares from the team about the girl she was carrying. And truthfully once she passed Clint and Maria took off behind her leaving behind a stunned and confused team.

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