Through the Door *remixed* pt. 3

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An: last part for this. Struggling with a bit of writers block so if you have any requests send them my way!

"Once I start don't let go of her hands and don't pull me out. You can touch me to ground me but please don't pull me out what ever happens. I can do this, I promise."

Maria and Nat exchanged a nervous glance before nodding. "Ok, let's get started" Wanda said.

This part of Wanda's powers made her nervous. It was still relatively new to her walking in someone's mind with other people. But she would do anything to bring you back to them.

So she sat on the bed and as she brought her hands up to enter your mind, both Maria and Nat placed their hands on her shoulders before the red mist made its way from her hands to your mind and all three of their eyes glowed red.

However this was new. Wanda had never walked through someone's mind where all "doors" were open. Wanda's powers had it organized by doors to represent memories to make it easier on her so that they didn't get lost in your head. They were only in one "hallway" of your mind seeing as it was only one relevant to your current situation based on what Wanda could feel with her powers.

Which is exactly what Wanda explained to your moms through their mind link as they started to walk forward knowing they had this question. Wanda could easily find the memory of the mission. It was the one black door in a sea of multicolored bright doors. Seeming to represent a horrible memory amongst a bunch of happy ones. But she couldn't understand why you were stuck there.

That was until she approached the door and realized that there was some sort of haze covering the entrance. Wanda had never seen something like this before and It's honestly amazing your memories aren't more scrambled and your mind isn't more of a mess.

"They tried to play with her mind" Wanda said to your moms. "When we go in there to try and pull her out it might try and rip you from me. Whatever happens isn't real. Don't let whatever is happening try and tell you it is. Don't let go of me in real life" she warned your moms.

Wanda turned around and stopped your moms to give them a second to ground themselves on what was real in front of them and what they could touch apart from Wanda while still touching her in real life.

"Are you both ready" she asked.

"Let's go get our girl" Maria said.

And with that they walked through the haze of the memory to try and find essentially you. They had to find you and pull you from the memory in order to bring you back to them and awake.

Walking through the memory of the mission was devastating. Not just for your moms, but for Wanda as well. Not only was the information you have outdated, but the mission was doomed from the start. It was almost as if they knew you were coming (your moms would deal with that later).

They watched you get battered and bruised as you tried to complete your mission. They watched as you tried to fight over 100 people on your own waiting for backup that never came. The further they went into your memory of the mission the more and more their heart broke.

But throughout this whole thing they couldn't find you. They could find the version of you from the memory, but they couldn't find present you, the version of you they were looking for to pull from the memory. That was until Wanda stopped. Maria and Nat almost lost their hold on her because they kept going. Wanda could feel you, the real you.

She was overcome with so much pain and sadness that she or almost drowned her, but instead of your moms needing the grounding, she did. And in that moment, she was so grateful to have your moms there with her.

Because with each step closer to you, the stronger the emotions were. Until they all could break through the fog of the memory to find you, the real you, or well your conscience huddled in the corner of your mind trembling.

At that moment was when your mom's hearts truly shattered. They had never seen you, or a version of you like this before. Sure you have had your fair share of rough missions, but this, this was different. And they knew that.

Wanda don't even know what they did, but when the three of them made their way to you and finally were able to embrace you it pushed the three of them out of your mind.

They were thrown back into themselves with a force none of them had expected. Maria went to ask what happened until they realized that you were starting to wake up on your own. Your powers spiked and that worried everyone, but it was under control. For now. Wanda assured them that she would work with you on whatever happened to your powers. But right now you were in panic, and you needed them.

"Shhh detka" Nat whispered as she stroked the hair out of your face. "You're safe, we got you. It's just mom, Wanda and I."

You gripped onto Nat's hand as if your life depended on it. Your brain still trying to ground itself into reality.

"Nat..." Wanda started. "Very slowly and carefully I need you get on the bed and hold her."

Nat looked at her confused but before she could even ask why Wanda responded with "her brain is still struggling with the memory and is trying to ground itself in something safe. That's why she holding onto your hand for dear life. You and Maria are her safe space..."

The minute you were in Nat's arms is when the dam broke and most heart wrenching sob erupted from your chest. It was a sound that neither one of them ever wanted to hear again. But it was one that froze Maria to spot she was sitting in next to your bed.

As you broke down in your mamas arms Maria was sat frozen at how utterly broken her baby was because of her.

"Nope don't do that" Nat's voice rang throughout her head. Her head snapped up to look at her wife and it was then she noticed the slight red hue to her eyes. "This isn't on you. She doesn't think that and neither do. Now get up here and hold our baby"

Maria carefully got out of her chair and into the bed with you and Nat. It wasn't until you held by both of your moms did your panic start to subside. Your heart rate lowered and your breathing went back to normal. However the grip on Nat's hand had moved from her hand to her shirt as you leaned into even more and you gripped onto Maria's hand with your free one.

And whispered "safe" could be from you. "Yes baby your safe" Maria answered as her and Nat's hold on you got a little tighter.

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