I'm Done pt. 4

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Both looked at each other in awe, fully expecting you to cave and give your mom a chance. And while they were fully mad at Natasha, they'd be lying if they said watching tears fall down the stone cold black widows face didn't break their hearts a little bit.

"It's ok baby... I understand" Natasha said, "but I still plan on trying to fix what I shattered. Can I at least try?"

You sat there trying to find the words to express how utterly broken and alone you felt at your moms actions.

"Mo... Nat I don't think you see full extent of what happened. For years I had to listen to the team and others talk about how I wasn't as smart as Peter and then when I finally had enough I started doing what I thought I was good at, what you taught me to be good at. And that's stick up for other people."

You took a breath and played with Maria's fingers trying to calm the nerves running through your body.

"I never once laid a hand on anyone, I only used words to stand up for people... and sometimes that left me bruised and almost broken, and you failed to listen to my side every. single. time. Month after month you continued to blow off anything I had say... I was trying to be just like you. But god I was never Peter... I wasn't the golden child who was smart and saved people. No... I was the defective avenger kid who only ever caused trouble, the one who wasn't enough to the team, to my own mom."

Nat tried to reach for you hand to hold it and you flinched before yelling "don't".

Nat had never heard you raise your voice at her, and god did the look in her eyes shatter her heart all over again. She never imagined that you would ever look so broken and betrayed all because of her.

"Mom you don't understand. I've done everything right. And that still was never enough... did you even want me, do you still want me? Honestly."

A sob ripped through Natasha chest when you asked her if she still wanted you. She never in a million years could imagine that the daughter she fought so hard to stay with her and the avengers would ever question her love or want for her.

"I don't trust you, I don't trust this team... and I'm going to stay with Maria and Carol for a while... but if you ever want a chance for me to come back you have to prove it."

Tears were back lining your face.

"Mama I need you to prove that your willing to listen. To be there no matter what. I need you to prove that you're on my side. That means standing up for me with the team. That means proving that whether or not I come back I will always be yours. But most importantly... you cannot treat me like how my biological parents did ever again."

Damn Maria and Carol have never been more proud of you. They know just how much it took for you to stand up for yourself to your mom when they both know all you want to do is be held by her. With tears now falling down everyone's faces, Natasha asked if she could hug you, and you nodded.  She held you and cradled your head as if you were a baby again.

"I promise baby, I'm not going anywhere and I'm going to work everyday to prove that to you" she whispered out as she kissed your forehead.

She cupped your cheeks and you leaned into her out of habit. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"Let me know when you make it safely yeah" she said as she grabbed her things to leave you to finish packing.

When Natasha finally left the room she called a team meeting. Let's just say that team meeting was over an hour of her yelling at the team and then them creating a plan for every single one of them to apologize. All while Maria and Carol helped you grab your things and you made your way to the quinjet, ready to take you somewhere to show you how unconditional love and support is supposed to look.

*Time Skip to 11 months later*

To say that you were happier and healthy again was an understatement. Your Aunt Maria and Aunt Carol kept you safe, showed you the love you deserved and was there was every step of the way as Natasha worked to regain your trust.

But what was stopping you from fully forgiving your mom? That was the question that your aunts asked you and you thought about a lot.

To be honest, you were scared.

Scared to be hurt again, scared to lose everything, but most importantly... you didn't want to lose your mom all over again.

And after almost a year, you could never be more thankful with how patient your mom has been. She's stood by your side through every doubt, every cry, every panic attack... and every time a member of the team came to apologize.

But today was the day, you were finally ready to forgive your mom. That was until Uncle Nick and Aunt Maria came in with apologetic looks on their face.

"Hey baby, I know what you had planned for today, but I really need you for this mission... and you know with how important today is I wouldn't ask unless it was absolutely necessary" Maria said.

And with that you were off. Truthfully the mission was easy and you were in and out in no time already back on the jet in no time.

That was until something struck the side of the jet and the next thing you know you woke up in the pilot seat, head bleeding and half the jet missing.

Your quinjet and you were shot out of the sky.

"FRIDAY" you called, hoping and praying she was still intact.

But you were met with silence. So you tried the emergency comms in your suit. And you almost cried when she responded to you.

Out of breath and coughing you had to do one thing.

"FRIDAY... I need, I need you to call my mom"

"Calling Ms. Romanoff" FRIDAY responded back.

"Hey baby what's..."

And before she could finish, with a trembling voice you said

"Mama... mama can you hear me" and you finished that sentence and you began to cough, blood making it's way out of your mouth.

"Baby what's wrong" a frantic Natasha answered.

"Mama, I was on a mission and I don't what happened but the jet it was shot out of the sky, and I don't know where I am, and I can't move part of my body...." And you froze in terror as you swore you heard something. "And I think there's someone coming."

You tried to quiet the sob that was threatening to escape. What you didn't see was Natasha take off running through the compound. Gathering the team, Maria, Carol and Nick before transferring you over the loud speaker.

"Baby are you still wearing that necklace I got you?" Natasha asked, knowing that she placed a tracker in there in case god forbid something like this every happened.

And when you didn't answer she panicked and screamed your name.

The next thing she heard was gun shots...

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