Oceans Apart

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To say you and Natasha were close would be an understatement. Both of you had similar upbringings, hers with the Red Room and yours with Hydra's Academy. Because of your upbringings, both of your circles of people you trust were small. Being made up of Clint, Wanda, Maria, Yelena and your father figure Nick Fury. Your inner circle solely included Nat and Yelena, who knew everything. You even adopted the title "little widow" around the two of them and their family.

Which is why it shocked you when you and Nat were to be sent on dangerous missions on two separate continents. When there were dangerous missions you and Nat were always sent together. It doesn't matter that she was an Avenger and you were the third highest ranking member of the new Shield. When it came to either of you and important missions, Nick knew to pair the two of you together.

But for some reason he made it so you were an ocean apart. If something happened you couldn't get to Nat and she couldn't get to you. And while nothing usually happened, that wouldn't be the case today.

With both of you separated, you still found a way for you two to stay connect. Through a comm link that Maria was in charge of from the quinjet that was used to transport you. These missions you both were on were brutal. It was one thing after another for both of you and the fighting was taking its toll. But things were ok, well that was until through the comm link you heard that Nat was down.

"Anyone have eyes on Nat" you heard Clint say and your breath hitched.

"I'm here I got her, but she's gonna need to be evac'ed" Yelena say.

And trying to focus on what you were doing with Nat being hurt was almost manageable. Until the person you were fighting hit a button. They hit the damn red button that caused the building you were in to collapse. Your team screamed through your comms at you to get out.

It was then that yours and Nat private comm got transferred to Yelena, Clint and Wanda as well. They sat there when they heard you were down. That a building collapsed on you. What were they going to tell Nat.

They didn't really have anytime to process because next thing they knew Maria was sending out a dig crew to recover your body... hopefully alive, but Maria wouldn't give them that hope. And Maria stayed with the crew sent to dig you home. She wasn't coming home without, you were her family and she wasn't going to leave you alone.

When you felt the building collapse you truly thought you were a goner, especially once you were knocked out. But when you woke up you found yourself in what seemed to be a bomb shelter still in the building.

At that moment the one emotion you had always managed to keep hidden showed itself. Fear. If you were here there was a reason. And then you saw a face you had never wanted to see again.

And while the Shield team was digging you out, you spent the next five days being tortured and shown videos convincing you that Nat was killed.
You couldn't believe it... until they broke you on day three and you started to believe that Nat truly was gone. They then moved to Yelena. They had almost fully convinced you that she too was dead when you heard gunshots and someone grab you.

You flinched at the contact until you heard Maria's voice telling you that she's got you, you were safe and you were ok. At that you half relaxed into the embrace of one of the few people you knew you would safe with. She got you to the quinjet but as the time ticked on Maria grew more and more concerned with you. It was then she figured she would call Nat and let her know.

Nat had never moved faster to answer her phone when Maria called.

"...Maria hey."

"I got her Nat." Was the next thing she heard on the phone.

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