Numb pt. 2

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Natasha didn't like this. Something was wrong... she could feel it.

The whole team was sat around the table waiting on you to arrive to start the meeting. You were late. But you literally had to drag your body out of bed and then painfully restitch some stitches the ripped from your nightmare before you could come to the meeting.

The fact that you were late was getting on Tony's nerves. Tony and Steve had started to make back handed comments thinking no one heard. But Natasha did, and she was really hoping the bad feeling growing in her gut didn't mean what she thought it meant.

You had made it to the door and started to walk in but stopped as the whole room began to spin. Natasha was out of her seat in the back of room and made it to you faster than humanly possible.

Nat helped steady you and lead you to a seat, all while you kept your face to the floor. Had she seen your face before sitting down she would have lost it a lot sooner than she did.

Natasha knew something was off. She sat there studying you, but as Tony went to speak she held her hand up to silence him as she tilted your face to look at you.

She sucked in a breath and your eyes started to tear up when you realized she was really there. "Nat" you whispered "you're back."

Nat nodded as she took in your appearance. Your features even more sunken in, the bags under your eyes even darker and she's pretty sure she's never seen so many bruises. She's also sure that there are new scars on you but she'd bring it up later.

"малышка что случилось (little one what happened)" she asked.

"вы оставили (you left)" was all you responded with.

Nat started to wipe your tears when you whispered to her "пожалуйста, не оставляй меня с ними снова, Tasha (please don't leave me with them again, Tasha)"

Nat's stomach dropped as what she hoped hadn't happened had finally been confirmed.

Very calmly Nat said "Wanda... Lena" she paused as if asking you if they were ok...and you nodded, "can you take her up to my room please?" Wanda and Yelena both helped you out of the room and as soon as you were in the elevator Nat saw red and all the color drained from the faces of the rest of the team.

"What. Did. You. Do" she asked and you could hear the venom dripping from her tone. When no one answered she turned her attention to Tony's AI. And the moment Nat had said it's name Tony and Steve both knew they were done for.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y... since I've been gone how many missions has Tony and the team sent her on"

"286 missions Ms. Romanoff" F.R.I.D.A.Y responded.

"And can you tell me her current condition FRI?"

"Yes Ms. Romanoff, she currently suffers from severe exhaustion, depression, anxiety, as well as healing three bruised ribs and over a dozen stab wounds/lacerations"

"Ms. Romanoff it seems that since you've been gone four members of this team can be seen on CCTV footage being extremely hurtful, and what would medically be describes as borderline abusive. She's also spent countless nights crying herself to sleep, stitching her own wounds and not eating. Should I page Dr. Cho?"

As F.R.I.D.A.Y finished the entire team was pale as the reality of how terribly they have treated you has sunk in. The other five members in the room could feel the rage radiating off Natasha.

"I'm only going to ask this once... why?" Natasha asked the remaining team members.

Before she could get an answer the emergency alert sounded calling for an all avengers emergency mission.

Natasha was shocked to say the least when she saw you, Yelena and Wanda all board the jet at the same time.

"Baby you should be in bed resting" Nat said as she sat down and started braiding your hair out of your face.

"I can't rest... I have to prove myself to them... I NEED them to trust me" you said for only her to hear.

Her heart broke that after almost two years they had made you feel like you still had to prove yourself to them, to still have to earn their trust.

She knew with how fragile and vulnerable you and your mental health were currently she had to keep a close eye on you.

She could just hope that nothing bad would happen to you.

AN: I apologize if the Russian isn't quite right as I used google translate to help me out with it.

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