Welcome to the Academy

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God how could have been so stupid. Not only did you take a simple in and out mission per Fury's request, but you actually thought that it was going to be in and out. Boy were you wrong.

As you made your way through the abandoned base you gathered the intel you needed and were on the way out when a silent alarm was tripped. Agents came out of no where. There were hundreds and you were only one person.

One minute you were fighting five of them and the next everything went black as you felt a prick to the back of your neck. When you finally woke up you knew you had been moved to a new base. It was no longer muggy and hot, but frigid cold and you could see the snow out the tiny tiny window in the room.

You sat there tied to a chair for what seemed like hours when a man finally came in. Welcome to the academy he said to you. You must have looked confused as he went on to explain how you were at a new section of Hydra and the Red Room that came together to form the academy.

You looked around and noticed every single piece of jewelry that had a tracking device in it had been taken off of you. You only had the string bracelet left over from Nat. Which means you were absolutely screwed.

Days turned into weeks as you sat in cell moving between beatings, experiments and trainings. One evening you were in your cell after a particularly awful experiment playing with the bracelet Nat gave you. Which happened to be an anxious habit of yours.

What you didn't know is that the bracelet had mini trackers in it that were only activated when you touched the bracelet. It had technology so small that it wouldn't be detected. The signal was sent straight to Tony and Natasha who had been nonstop looking for you. They thanked their lucky stars that your anxious habits finally paid off for something.

You laid tied down on the table again under a blinding light waiting for the next injection for this "new" experiment. Right as the agent was about to inject it into your neck a large explosion went off. The entire base became a frenzy of agents running around to stop who ever was trying to get into the base.

Gunshots and fighting could be heard from the room as you laid there waiting for something to happen. You heard someone enter the room, but due to the overhead light you couldn't see who it was.

"Please, please no more" you said. You could tell your body was so weak that you didn't think you'd survive one more experiment. It wasn't until you heard your name being called and a blob of red out of the corner of your eye did you know it was Nat.

Once Nat untied you from the table she carried you out to the jet. As Clint got it into the air you turned to the team to ask how they found you.

"Well" Nat started. "You have a habit of playing with your jewelry when your anxious. So we hid some nano tech in the new bracelet I got you knowing that if anything ever happened they would take everything else thinking it has a tracker."

You just looked at them in awe and said "and they never would guess a string bracelet could have a tracking device in it."

It was in that moment that you knew you had a family who would always fight for you, one that knew every little thing about you. But you also knew that in that moment, having an anxious tick really paid off in the long run.

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