Please pt2

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It wasn't until Nat hit you with the butt of her gun and Maria screaming did the haze leave Natasha's mind. It was all at once did everything come flooding back to her and everyone else.

And she froze.

They all stood there, frozen in place as Maria picked you up and ran you to medbay. None of them realizing what happened and once Friday showed them footage from the last couple days, they can't believe they had been so careless going through the base.

Steve, who's the most cautious out of everyone is feeling the most guilt he's ever felt since Bucky. He can't believe that they were careless. They carelessly walked through the base and that lab without any precautions. And it led you to being in medbay after having a gun to your forehead by not only an avenger, but an avenger who you thought of as your family.

God he knew there was going to be a long road ahead of them after this. You were so untrusting to begin with, and even now, you still had a hard time trusting them with things... the only ones you really trusted were Maria and Nat.

Sam couldn't even stay in the compound. He can't stand to think that they let this happen. While he was your legal guardian since he adopted you, but you really were all of their kid in one way or another. It took them so long for you to even remotely trust them, and now he's worried that they've just undid all the work and time it took to get to the point where you are. He was gone for hours before anyone saw him again.

Natasha was..... well she was pacing the hallway outside the room they had you in. She can't believe she had a gun pressed to your forehead ready to pull the trigger.

She isn't one to show emotion, but her eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she waited, and waited for them to give her any sort of update. She wanted.... No needed to be there with you, but they locked the doors. Not only that but Maria guarded them as if one of the Avengers was going to kill you the moment they had a chance. And truly, had she come any later, they would have.

It's been a few hours and the only one left by your door when you wake up is Nat. She's sitting outside while Maria is sitting next to you holding your hand. It wasn't until you squeezed her hand did she realize you were awake.

Maria slowly turned towards you in an effort not to startle you and asked if you were ok.... You weren't ok, but you shakily responded that you were, only having a headache. The two of you sat in silence until you whispered "they don't remember me... it's like once we left that base they stopped looking for new targets when they realized their biggest one lived under the same roof as them."

That statement alone practically shattered Maria's heart. You've never fully opened up about your past. You protected your past more than Nat did, and if we're being honest, her and Nat were the only ones you trusted to semi open up to. So the fact that you thought of yourself as a target even after spending the last few years as an avenger made her heart ache for you.

Maria sat on your bed, still holding your hand and looked at you. "I need you to look at me when I tell you this. I need you to see that nothing that I'm about to say is false."

You could analyze people's emotions and intentions almost as well as Nat can. Which is why Maria needed you to look at her. You finally met Maria's eyes and she continued.

"You my sweet girl, are anything but a target." She started.... "Yes you had a hard past, but that does not define you. You are more than that. Look at everything you've become. You're an Avenger, you're Sam's daughter, you're our family.... You're my family."

With tears streaming down both your faces, she took a breath before continuing. "Whatever target you think you have on your back is gone. We... I love you and nothing is going to change that."

It was silent for a few seconds and you went from sitting next to next to Maria to hugging her while whispering "thank you Maria, I love you too." And Maria just smiled as that's the first time you ever said that to her.

Just then the door burst open to a tearful Natasha. You tensed before relaxing again, allowing Nat to come in. Nat stood just inside the door, anxiously picking at her fingers, unsure if she should approach you or not.

"Nat" you said timidly. As she moved towards you, you can see her unshed tears waiting to fall. As Maria moved out of the way Nat sat on your bed while one hand gently cupped your face.

"I'm so so sorry she said" as the tears finally began falling. As you told her it was ok she shook her head at you. "No it's not, you're my sister and I... I held a gun to your forehead." She couldn't stop the tremble in her hands as she sat there looking at you and the gash in your head from her... and her gun. She apologize again and tried to get up to leave when you grabbed her hand and said "please.... Please don't leave."

Nat wrapped you in a hug and held you as she whispered a quiet I love you to you. What she wasn't expecting was a whispered I love you too in response.

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