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You were recruited to Shield from another foreign agency who raised assassins much like the red room did, but worse. No one knew it could be worse until they met you. And you worked your ass off as a shield agent. So when shield fell, you had gained enough of Fury's trust to be added to the short list of people recruited to a special, but secret branch of the rebuilding shield alongside Maria Hill. You'd only recently been moved to the Avengers team because during one of your missions a mysterious vapor was released in the air, while it killed everyone else almost immediately... you, well something in your body had allowed the vapor to attach itself to yourself thus giving you powers.

Which is how you ended up sitting in your room in the avengers tower waiting for training to begin. You were waiting for Nat, who was one of two people on the Avengers team who actually trusted you and you trusted them. Her and Clint both knew you during your time in Shield, both of whom trusted you with everything. You knew about Clint's family far before the avengers did, and you knew the entirety of Nat's past.

This was why the three of you were close and you and Natasha even closer. While you were younger than them, Nat protected you like she would Yelena. Which is why she was the one you were training with, under close supervision of Wanda, Steve, Tony and Bucky.

During training you were slowly gaining control of your powers. The vapor had caused you to literally be able to control water in all forms, including freezing it and boiling it. And you had been recently learning to control the boiling aspect of your powers and it was going well.

Until today.

Everything was going fine until something caught the corner of your eye at the same moment Steve accidentally dropped all his weights on the floor. It had startled you. And in that moment you not only burned Nat with your powers, but not even seconds after you found yourself thrown up against the wall from Wanda's powers.

It was if time moved in slow motion. Everyone crowded Nat while Clint came to check on you. But Clint couldn't get anywhere near you because as soon as he stepped towards you, you kept scooting towards the wall until your back hit it. And you made yourself small against the wall, trembling, staring at your hands all while trying to keep the tears from falling.

You couldn't believe you had hurt Nat. And you couldn't even check on her because it was if the red wisps were keeping you away, and they were.

It was then the self deprecating thoughts started. And it didn't help that the team wouldn't let Nat move to check on you, even though that's all she wanted to do.

What the team didn't notice was that even in the chaos of everything, combined with that fact that Nat, one of two people you truly cared about was hurting, well the movement of your hands had actually allowed you to use your powers to heal her. And no one noticed until Bruce came in with Helen to check over Nat's wounds and they were healed with not even a scar. Shocking the whole team.

All of this happened before you made your way out of room, which means you never saw that you healed Nat.

And damn did Nat let the team have it for how they handled the situation. Ripping Wanda a new one for how she treated you, because Wanda knew damn well what it's like to not have control of her powers. And to be terrified to hurt people, especially those important to her.

In that moment is was if all of your emotions hit Wanda. From the oh so loud self deprecating thoughts, to the hatred for yourself, to the pain...
Wanda couldn't figure out why until remembering she threw you into a wall. She didn't even mean to, it was a reflex to protect the people she cares about. And god her own thoughts on top of everything you were feeling, well it was enough to almost drown her.

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