Our Family

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To say you were rattled was an understatement. Not much got to you, but following this specific mission something did. The team just couldn't figure out what it was.

It was a routine mission. Double check the base, get any information you could and get out. Simple right.

It truly was simple. They just didn't realize the effect it would have on you. Having been with the team for going on 5 years now you were still very selective about sharing your past. All they knew is that I was similar to Nat's. But it's also where most of your insecurities stem from.

God you loved the team, and they loved you. They were, well are your only family, but would they still be if they knew the fullest extent of your past. And that insecurity was the only reason they didn't know everything.

But that mission, that mission was to the abandoned base of where you raised.

Where you trained.

Where you were tortured.

Where you became the assassin and "weapon" you were today.

As you made your way out of the base with the team you kept getting stuck in flashback after flashback. Each one becoming more real in your mind.

It wasn't until you screamed and fell to the ground of the jet did anyone realize something was wrong. The team tried to help, but Wanda, well with your memories so loud she got trapped in them. Watching you relive everything over and over again. And pretty soon the team picked up on this too.

You fell unconscious due to the sheer multitude of emotions as the team grilled Wanda on what she saw. And while she knew it wasn't her place to say, she also knew the team just wanted to help. So she showed them. Everything.

When you finally came to you saw the whole team staring at you. Along with a guilty looking Wanda, and in that moment you knew.

But it was quiet. The team stewing in their thoughts. Most of them concerned, but for one of them. Well Wanda and you could feel their anger rolling off of them.

Mr. All Righteous Captain America was livid. He was beyond mad that you hid something so big and important about yourself.

Before Steve could even make one or say one word you beat him too it.

"Don't" you whispered, "please don't"

The tremble in your voice was enough to stop everyone in their tracks.

"I'm sorry" you started.

"I've never had a family before and I thought if you knew about me and my background you'd leave, or you'd make me leave."

A sob ripped through your chest and you stared at the floor before you said "I can't be alone again."

No one on the team knew what to do. They had never, ever seen you be vulnerable or show any sort of emotion. So this was a first for them.

That was until Natasha came over, held your hands and said "sweetie can you look at me".

It took a while but when you finally did she continued.

"Where I was raised, I was made to be the most lethal, deadly assassin the Red room and the KGB has ever seen. It wasn't until Clint found me was I given a chance to be more."

The team sat in shock as Natasha showed you the same vulnerability you had just shown the team. Everyone knows Natasha doesn't let her walks fall, but for you, she would do it to show you that are more than your past.

Tears brimmed the eyes of the entire team, including Natasha's as she continued...

"Your past does not define you, and while I can't speak for the rest of the team, you will ALWAYS have a family in me..."

"And me" Wanda said.

Then Bucky said.

Then Sam said.

Then everyone said until everyone was standing around you.

In that moment you knew you didn't have to be afraid anymore. Not of your past or what you have done.

You finally had a family to lean on, through the good and bad.

As the team filed out of your room to sleep Nat lingered to make sure you were ok. On her way out she heard a whispered "thank you Nat"

She only smiled, walked back over to you, pulled you into a hug before whispering back "of course baby, always."

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