Please pt. 2 *alternate ending*

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An: by request here's an alternate ending to the please one shots. This isn't proof read, but neither is most of the other one shots so enjoy!

Nat hit you with the butt of her gun, but her assault didn't stop there and she really did a number on you while Yelena held Maria back.

When Nat had finally had enough her and Yelena left the room without a word and Maria ran to your side. The big bad Maria Hill crying at the sight of you. This was something Fury never thought he would see until he arrived in the compound after getting alerted to a fight happening.

It was Fury who picked you up off the floor and ran you to medbay. Maria following close behind him as he ran faster than anyone had ever seen the director run.

The team all walked in, not realizing it was you Fury and Hill were rushing to medbay. Having wondered where you were, they asked Friday where they could find you. They couldn't remember what happened to them and didn't realize it was actually days since the mission had happened. It wasn't until Friday showed them footage from the last couple days and what had just happened between Nat and you did the piece finally start to fit together. None of them could believe they had been so careless going through the base. And now, now you were paying the price for it.

Steve, who's the most cautious out of everyone is feeling the most guilt he's ever felt since Bucky. He can't believe that they were careless. They carelessly walked through the base and that lab without any precautions. And it led you to being in medbay after getting a bad beating by not only an avenger, but an avenger who you thought of as your family.

God he knew there was going to be a long road ahead of them after this. You were so untrusting to begin with, and even now, you still had a hard time trusting them with things... the only ones you really trusted were Maria and Nat.

Sam couldn't even stay in the compound. He can't stand to think that they let this happen. While he was your legal guardian since he adopted you, but you really were all of their kid in one way or another. It took them so long for you to even remotely trust them, and now he's worried that they've just undid all the work and time it took to get to the point where you are.

He would have been gone for hours until it hit him and Steve at the same time that it all of these recovery plans were reliant upon an if. If you recovered. It was then they realized they didn't know your status and they were the first two out of the room as they ran towards medbay. The rest of the team seemingly got the memo and were hot on their tails coming to a dead stop as they weren't prepared for the sight in front of them.

Natasha was..... well she was pacing the hallway outside the room they had you in. She was sobbing and shaking. Something both Steve and Sam, hell the team were not prepared to see when they got down there.

Nat finally realized what she did about ten minutes after she did it. The effects of the mission finally wore off and she was horrified at what she did.

With her nails digging her palms she finally stopped pacing when Clint grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him. Doing so when she was starting to hyperventilate from crying so hard. Clint had to rock her like a baby back and forth while hugging her for a while before she could breathe again.

They could see into your room. The doctors were fighting so hard to save you. And Nat, well she wanted.... No needed to be there with you, but they locked the doors. Not only that but Maria guarded them as if one of the Avengers was going to finally kill you the moment they had a chance. She was terrified because as she guarded the door she could hear the doctors loosing their fight in saving you. 

"They can't watch this" a doctor said and that's when Maria's heart shattered and her tears started to line her eyes as she looked towards Fury who was in the corner and shook her head. She heard the closing of the curtain to cover the window. And that's when it started.

Steve and Bucky knew immediately the moment they touched the curtain what was happening.

And one by one the team began to realize.

But it was a whispered "no" that caught their attention. It was Sam who broke first. The first no.

"No, no please... she can't... I didn't" was all that Sam could hear before he left the hallway and an earth shattering scream could be heard from what was supposed to be a sound proof waiting room.

An equally heart shattering scream could be heard as Nat hit the ground. All that could be heard now were the sounds of Nat's sobs as Clint and Yelena held her both quietly crying.

When the doctors had finally cleaned you up and gave the team their condolences, they gave everyone the ok that they were finally allowed to see you. But Maria wouldn't budge. She stood guard at your door.

"No" she yelled as she finally let the tears fall. "You think after what happened you deserve to go in there? She's lying there dead because of you... because of all you."

"Maria.." fury tried.

"No Nick." She snapped. Maria was your person, and you were here and now you were gone.

"They were careless and their carelessness caused the one person I loved like my own to die" her voice broke and sob ripped through her body as those last few words were said.

What Fury did next surprised everyone. He got up and pulled Maria into a hug. "They need to say goodbye" he whispered to her. When he finally let go she only nodded and moved aside for the team to have room to go inside.

One by one they each took a turn saying their goodbyes until the only ones left were Maria, Nat and Sam. And truthfully it had been a while since they saw Sam. They couldn't let them take you without him getting to say goodbye. Nat was about to go when Sam came slamming into the room, straight past both women and Fury and straight into your room.

He was in there for a really long time before anyone saw him again. And when he left is when Nat finally made her way inside.

She got to where you were laying and you seemed at peace. But as she grabbed your hand, Nat could see every bruise that she caused and the gash on your head.

She looked at you, one hand holding yours and the other cupping your cheek.

"My little spider" she started. "I know you can't hear me anymore and that's my fault but I need you to know how sorry, so incredibly sorry I am."

She couldn't stop the tremble in her hands as she sat there looking at you and the gash in your head from her... and her gun.

She started sobbing as she talked to you. Apologizing for being so careless, for the fact that you spent the last couple days alone, but most importantly she apologized that she couldn't protect you like she promised... She promised to protect you from all things bad and she failed to protect you from the one person who she views as a monster in the compound... herself.

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