Im Done pt. 5

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....The next thing she heard was gun shots. And her Heart stopped. Seconds seemed to drag on for hours...

"I'm here mama and I'm wearing the necklace. But I don't know how many more people are coming."

As the team began tracking the necklace, Natasha could hear your labored breathing over the line.

"Mama, are you still there" you asked tentatively.

"I'm here baby, I'm here" Natasha said with tears threatening to fall and Maria and Carol holding her hands.

After a few minutes of silence Natasha heard a whispered "I'm sorry"

"Sweetie you don't have to be sorry."

"But I do mom" you responded. "I kept you at arms length because I was scared. I was so scared to get hurt" you paused as coughs took over and when you were finally able to catch your breath you continued.

"I was scared you were going to leave me again. But mama I was supposed to come to the tower today to tell you I forgive you... that I wanted to come home."

A sob ripped through your chest as you said "mama... please I just want to come home."

Before she could respond the team got your location and they were in the jet coming to get you faster than humanly possible. Carol, Wanda and Tony were off flying to you, hoping to get there faster.

The only thing Natasha, the team and your aunts could hold to was your labored breathing they could hear throughout the quinjet. They made sure they transferred your call to the loud speaker so they could monitor the situation.

"Mama" you whispered.

"Yes baby" she whispered back.

"I'm scared" You trembled.

Natasha couldn't see you but you were shaking in the pilot seat where you were stuck. While it wasn't cold outside you were shivering from the cold as you could tell you were losing a lot of blood.

"FRIDAY" you said, "transfer me to a private line with Maria and Carol."

They both answered the private line with their comms in. You didn't have much energy left so everything came across in a whisper

"I need you both to know that I love you so much. Thank you for being there when no one else was and thank you for showing me what unconditional love is supposed to look like. And I know you're still hesitant about my mom but please don't let her be alone, you have to promise to me you won't let her isolate herself or shut down. Please...

"Don't" Maria all but growled out, and the team whipped around at hearing Maria talk into a comm they didn't know about. "please baby I need you to fight..."

Carol cut in before Maria could finish.

"I'm almost there. Sweetie please hold on. Please fight"

You coughed again as you all but yelled "PROMISE ME"

"We promise" they both said.

You closed the private line with your aunts before starting another one with your mom. You could hear sniffles coming from her end before you could even talk.

"Mama please don't cry" you said as you yourself was crying.

"Mama regardless of what happens you need to know I forgive you. But I need you to forgive yourself..."

"I can see the jet" Carols voice echoed through the jet. "Keep her talking."

"I love you so much mom, but I don't think I'm gonna make it home to you. But I need you to promise me that you're not going to shut everyone out. Let them in. Let them be there for you. I love you mama so much" and as your breathing became even more labored a sob erupted from Natasha's chest.

The team could hear Carol and Wanda crying as they worked to free you from the jet. Not only that but Maria was pacing the jet crying, something no one had every seen from "deputy director hill".

"Nat we got her, she's still breathing but her pulse is really weak."

And with that it was if everything hit Nat at once and she started to panic. With tears running down her face she started hyperventilating and her vision blurred and she never noticed Maria making her way over to her until the next thing she knew Maria was pulling her into her and telling Nat that she needed to breath.

Slowly but surely her breathing was getting back to normal. And then they brought you into the jet and starting making their way back to the compound as Bruce and Tony stabilized you.

As you were lying on the table unconscious Natasha stared at your limp form. The only thing bringing her comfort was the steady beep of the heart monitor.

She cupped your face as she muttered "oh my baby."

It was touch and go the whole back to the compound, and even more so when they got you into surgery. But you were stable.

But they didn't know if or when you would wake up. You suffered severe injuries. The most severe one to your spine, which explained why you couldn't move when trapped in the jet. But they assured Natasha that they fixed it and you would have full motor function.

Natasha, Maria and Carol remained by your side even as the hours turned into days, the days turned into weeks and finally the weeks threatened to turn into months.

That was until one afternoon. Natasha was holding one hand and running her hand through your hair as she hummed a Russian lullaby to you.

Natasha was about to shift in her seat when she felt you move.

Her breath hitched and a whispered "baby" made its way past her lips hoping that it wasn't a dream.

Then your hold on her hand tightened, your heart rate spiked and your eyes flew open. All telltale signs of you panicking.

Natasha made her way into your sight line and stroked your hair before whispering "it's ok baby, I'm here, you're safe."

You reached up to wipe away her tears and grabbing onto her shirt. You pulled Natasha so hard into your body, clutching onto her as if she was going to slip away.

And you cried.

And Natasha just held you, cradling your head and whispering "shh baby you're ok, I'm right here, it's ok, you're safe."

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