There was an Idea pt. 2

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*more to the Happy Mother's Day prequel story*

When Nat finally came back for you, you were terrified. Tony had already called Steve and they were heading to pick up Wanda and Vision. But she needed to see you, she promised. And there would be nothing that would keep her from fulfilling that promise.

You knew something was happening the moment she walked in the door. She only had 24 hours with you before she planned to meet back up with Steve. You begged her to let you come with her. That you'd rather have everyone know about Nick's plan than be alone in another new safe house.

"Baby, this isn't ideal" she responded with, "but this, this is big and something doesn't feel right about it. I need to protect the one thing in my life right now that is more important than anything... and that's you."

You stood there just looking at her. "But what about you, who's going to protect you" you asked. You knew she would have the team, but you didn't know what was coming. Nothing could have prepared you for the terrifying sight of seeing people dust away while at the store in the town of your new safe house.

You quickly made your way back to the house, hoping and praying with everything in you she didn't dust away. You spent every waking minute for the next two weeks pacing and grieving. It was like as soon as one panic attack ended, the next one began.

At this point you thought she was gone and you were alone. Nick and Maria dusted, you knew so the minute you called them and they didn't answer the phone. That was their unspoken rule between the three of you. One of them called you or you called them and they picked up no questions asked.

You truly were alone... or so you thought.

It wasn't until the start of the third week did you hear someone trying to get into the house. You grabbed your gun and stood behind a wall waiting for the person to enter. It was until you heard your name frantically being called did you finally let out the breath you'd been holding for the last two plus weeks.

"Mama"... your voice echoed through the house and Nat whipped around the minute she heard your voice. You were both were crying as she pulled you into her. She thought she lost everyone, with more than half the team, her sister, and her parents all gone she couldn't fathom if she had lost you too.

She stands there holding you, thanking her lucky stars that you're in her arms.

When she finally lets go of you, you finally get to see the toll the battle and it's aftermath took on her. You don't even bring it up, because you can't imagine the pain associated with it. You make dinner for the two of you and as your finishing up you ask her how long you get to see her for.

She sits there and sighs and diverts her attention away from you before saying "I know Fury had this whole plan in place of when to introduce you to the team and when to get integrate you into the compound... but that was before we lost" she said. But she looks you straight in the eyes and continues saying "but I'm tired. I'm tired of having my daughter living so far away from me. I'm tired of her being alone. And truthfully, I don't care about Nicks plan. So you my sweet girl, have me for as long as I can be with you."

You just look at her in shock and ask her "no more safe houses?" To which she chuckles and says "no more safe houses, you're coming back with me to the compound."

The next five years we're hard for you and your mom. Hard for Nat because you knew she carried an immense amount of guilt that they lost and she dealt with that harder than anyone you had ever known. Especially once those who were left slowly began leaving and moving on. But it hurt you to watch her bottle everything in, that was until you found her crying in her room. You held her just as she had you and told her that you were there for her just as much as she was there for you. That she wasn't alone. You became each other's life lines.

But those five years weren't filled with all sorrow. Nat took you to Clint's farm when she went looking for him initially. She told you so many stories about your Uncle Clint and his family, but most importantly, she took you to her tree that overlooked the pond where she had carved her initials in the first time Clint brought her here. She needed a place to go when she was overwhelmed and this was it. When she was explaining the importance of this place to you, you also learned more about her past.

You both sat in a calm and comfortable silence before she reached out her hand to you and asked you if you wanted to carve your initials into the tree as well. You took the knife and hesitantly walked over to the tree... "a..are you sure" you asked looking back where she was sitting not realizing she had come to stand next to you.

"Of course baby. This place is part of who you are, part of your family is here. This symbolizes that, and this little piece of serenity is always here for you too" she said as she squeezed your free hand in reassurance.

God there was so much left to learn about your mom still, but within those five years you knew more about her than Clint ever did. But she also learned everything about you. She found that in teaching you Ballet she found the beauty in it outside of the red room. She always loved the art of ballet, it was the one thing from the red room she enjoyed. But seeing her daughter do it brought a whole meaning to it.

Natasha never gave up hope that she could bring everyone back. So she told you about her sister Yelena and her parents Alexi and Melina, who she couldn't wait for you to meet. It's something she constantly talked about during those few years.

But most importantly those five years were filled with so much love and time spent together. It's something you'd come to cherish when Clint burst through the door of the safe house Nat had moved you to before the final battle.

You never realized that one day she'd break her promise to always come back to you. That once day your heart would shatter because you lost the most important person to you.

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