A Place With Us pt. 2

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Not only did Nat have a lot of explaining to do, but damn was she confused.

Confused why you were taking so many missions.

Confused why you were around here and the team less and less.

But beyond confused when her sister and best friend pulled away from her. Ever since she got Yelena back her sister has been stuck to her like glue, so when Yelena pulled away from her she knew something was up.

Both Yelena and Wanda continued to come to team events, but more often than not, both girls either glared at her or completely ignored her.

Around that time is when Wanda and Yelena had finally convinced you to join them for team movie night. Slowly but surely the two of them were convincing you to come to things. Team dinners, movie night and outings.

Truthfully, Nat was jealous. But she couldn't figure out why you had been avoiding her and the team. And more importantly, how had Wanda And Yelena convinced you to re-insert yourself to the team.

Nat sat there staring at the three of you. Her going a mile a minute. So fast that her thoughts were loud of enough Wanda to hear.

When Wanda finally caught Nat's eye she stared at her, as if asking in silence if she could talk in her head. Nat only gave a slight nod before she heard Wanda in her head.

"What's going on Nat. You're quiet and withdrawn" Wanda asked as gently as she could in the other redheads head.

Nat only sighed before answering. "What's going on with her" she referenced while slightly nodding her head in your direction.

Before Wanda could answer she heard Nat talking again.

"She was always around, with the team... with me and then all of sudden she was barely around, Practically killing herself with missions...and now she's back, but I've never felt further away from her."

Wanda was unsure on what to tell her... does she tell her that you actually were basically killing yourself on missions, that you heard her. Wanda didn't even realize how long she was silent until she heard a trembling "Wanda" in her head.

"Nat... she heard you... months ago when you called her a Hydra experiment and saying that's all she would ever be. And you're right, she was killing herself on missions. She almost bled out one night trying to stitch herself up alone."

Wanda was trying so hard not to cry. Especially because you were asleep with your head in her lap as she ran her fingers through your hair.

Nat just stared at Wanda. What was a trembling voice before was even more shakey and practically broken when Wanda heard a whispered "she heard me" in her head.

Nat went to talk again when the movie ended and you slowly woke up. You panicked a bit when you realized you fell asleep on Wanda and your thoughts must have been super loud when Wanda lifted your chin to say "it's ok, I'm not mad. You were tired and deserved to rest... let's get you to bed yeah?" She asked as she got up.

Nat watched as you followed Wanda out of the room, Yelena got up to follow the pair but before she was fully out the room she turned around to talk to her sister.

"Talk to her Nat... not only does she miss you, but she needs you. You're her family, she still thinks that"

And with that she turned back around to follow you and Wanda upstairs. When she got upstairs she saw Wanda standing near you, more like crouching near where you sat on the bed. Yelena joined her before saying "talk to us, what's going on."

You sighed before whispering "are you both really going to stay?"

Before either of the them you softly said "the team... well Nat said she would stay, that I was her family. Then she left because of the monster that I am...." Tears started to stream down your face and your voice broke when you said "I can't lose anyone else...I can't."

Nat stood in the doorway as she watched both girls try to console you before noticing her in the doorway. As Nat entered, Wanda and Yelena switched places with her. It was their turn to watch from the door, and really they only stayed in case you needed them.

You never noticed the duo leave, but you did notice a speck of red move through the room before settling in front of you. She reached out to cup your cheek, but you shifted away.

"I know you heard what I said, and if I could take it back I would. But I can't. The most I can do is offer you an explanation."

Nat once again tried to get close to you, this time you didn't shift away. So she took that as her cue to continue.

"During a mission a gas was released in the base we were at the increased someone's rage and made them say things they don't mean and normally wouldn't say."

Before Nat could continue she heard a whispered and broken "do you believe that?"

And when you finally looked up, Nat could tell you were not only crying, but trembling.

"Oh sweet girl no" she said as she pulled you into her. She made eye contact with Yelena and Wanda, who both nodded before walking back to their own rooms.

When Nat finally pulled away from you she moved the hair out of your face while you looked at the ground before gently saying.

"You are so much more than a Hydra experiment and you are anything but a monster. You are an avenger, a hero and my family... and I'm so sorry you heard me say what I did..."

Nat paused as you finally looked her in the eyes you realized she too was crying.

"I know it will take you a while to forgive me, but I will work everyday to not only earn your trust back, but to prove to you that you are no monster."

It was your turn to pull Nat into a hug. And the two of you stayed like that until you felt Nat shift the two of you to lay down on the bed. When Nat thought you were asleep she whispered "I love you" before kissing your forehead. But before she could get up to leave you turned over and cuddled into her and muttered "I love you too сестра (sister)."

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