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A trained assassin with powers. That's all they saw you as. Well everyone but Nat that is.

You should have known the minute Nat got sent on a year long mission things would go poorly for you. Nat was the only one on the team to trust you because you came from a similar background.

It had been almost a year since you joined the team and still the only one to fully trust you was Nat. You were only 18 when you came to the team after finally making your first choice with free will offered to you by Fury.

Nat immediately became protective of you, having seen herself in you. While the rest of the team didn't fully trust you, there were those who held some sort of trust towards you. Wanda, Yelena and Bucky were those other three team members.

Once Nat was sent on her mission the other team members took it upon themselves to push you and to see how far they could push you.

Months went by and within that time span you had been sent on 100s of missions. Tony, Steve, Bruce and Sam all getting a kick at how far they had already pushed you.

What they didn't see were the countless bruises and wounds you came back with and stitched up yourself. They didn't hear the nights you cried yourself asleep because of a bad mission or because of how utterly alone you felt without Natasha. They didn't see how exhausted you were becoming.

No why would they. You had thought this was normal and you would do any and everything to gain and earn their trust. To truly earn a spot on the team. So you hid everything, or so you thought.

First it was Wanda. It's always Wanda. Your thoughts were just so damn loud she couldn't tune you out. The pain, loneliness and exhaustion was also rolling off you in waves threatening to not only drown you, but Wanda herself. Wanda tried to comfort you, to include you, to make you feel wanted. Wanda fought with her teammates to give you a break, but her words fell on deaf ears. And honestly, after months of abuse and being overworked by everyone else you found it hard to believe anyone would actually care. She did, she truly did, but you couldn't trust her.

The next to notice was Yelena. She was a trained spy so it didn't take her too much longer after Wanda to pick up on what was going on. She had been keeping an eye on you per Natasha's request, but she still didn't fully trust you. But she still kept her promise. However as the months passed she had begun to fully trust you. Not only did she see how hard you were working, but on a mission with just the two of you, you had pushed her out of harms when she failed to see someone aiming a gun at her head.

It wasn't until she walked past your room one night and heard muffled sobs did she finally realize how horribly they had been treating you. After around six months you had started isolating yourself and they was nothing Yelena could really do to help.

The last person to notice was Bucky. He tried to be on Steve's side for so long but around the same time you started isolating the two of you were sent on a mission together. It was then Bucky was able to truly see the toll the last six months had taken on you. Your sunken in features, the black eye bags under your eyes and the dullness to your eyes really hit him like a truck. He couldn't believe that the same team that opened him with open arms, was treating a kid like the enemy.

When you had came to the team you had this sparkle to your eyes and a lightness to you that it was like sunshine had followed you wherever you went. But now, now it was like there was nothing. It was like he was staring into a void of emptiness, which is pretty much how you felt.

You were numb. Alone. And slowly dying with no one left to fight for you.

What you didn't know was that Nat's mission ended three months early and she was on her way back to the compound for a team meeting.

And no one was prepared for what happened next.

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