I am Marble. I Do Not Break.

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AN: I'm back!! this one is pretty short, but working some requests I have!
There was a time when you and your mom were inseparable and the team knew that where ever Natasha went, you went. But something changed. Nat started training the new agents more and more to help move Shield forward. But you, you were left behind.

Every mission you were trying your hardest to be the best. Because that's how your mom trained you to be. If you were going to take on this responsibility then you couldn't slack. You couldn't be mediocre. You had to give it your all. Because that, well that's how you make sure you come home. That you come back to her in one piece.

But you weren't sure that really mattered anymore.

And you didn't even realize you started giving less than your all during missions. You had become numb to the world around you and it felt like your head was under water anytime Carol, Maria or Wanda tried to talk to you or check on you when you came back beaten and bruised. But you didn't notice.

You liked the pain.

It gave you something new to focus on. Not that your mom would even notice. She was too busy... too busy to care about the daughter she adopted from the red room. You thought you finally had someone you could always count on. Someone who would care for you unconditionally. Someone safe.

Until you were wrong.

And when that pain became too much, you sought out a new type of pain. That was working just fine, until you over did it.

Your cover was blown during a mission and you were badly hurt, but you also weren't due to get extracted for another 2 days. And when the rescue team couldn't get to you, no one offered to step in. That was until Maria, Carol and Wanda heard what happened and they were on a jet faster than Fury could tell them no.

But Fury knowing how much you meant to them knew he really wasn't able to stop them. But what they didn't know was that fury was going to make every single member of the team stand on the helipad and watch as you were unloaded on a stretcher. They stood there. In silence.

And before they could even take a step to follow you, they were berated and yelled at Fury. And no one, not even the crew left outside moved a muscle. No one realized the impact they had on you until this very moment, and fury was going to make sure they understood the consequences.

But as the team made their way inside, one person stayed frozen in the place. It was Nat's turn to feel like her head was under the water. Not understanding how she allowed this to go on this long.

Finally coming to terms with what she had done. And to who.

Days had passed and Nat had yet to step foot inside your hospital room. She would pace in the hallway and then try to come to your door, only to be turned around by either Wanda, Carol or Maria. All of whom had taken up residence in your room.

If your mom wasn't going to protect they were. This went on for days and they were starting to worry you were never going to wake up. Until Carol felt your hand move during her watch, and your eyes slowly start to flutter. She didn't even have to wake Wanda because she jolted awake when her magic felt you, which woke Maria up.

The three of them waited for you to fully open your eyes and you did, you looked so defeated. Almost as if you were sad you woke up. And you didn't even realize you crying until Maria ever so gently wiped your tears.

"Baby talk to me, talk to us" She pleaded with you. And this was the first time you had ever heard Maria plead, well beg anyone.

"I can't" you whispered. "I need to be strong. I am marble. I don't break" you said to the three of them.

It was Wanda who told you that you didn't always have to be strong. That it's ok to break.

She sat on your bed and cupped your face before telling you that you were safe.

And you finally believed her and the damn holding back your tears broke.

That's when Nat's heart truly shattered and she sat on the floor outside your room listening to the broken sobs that came from your room.

She had caused that. Her laser focus on ensuring Shields future caused her to break the one thing she cherished more than life.


And now, now she's left to pick up the pieces. To deal with the consequences of her own actions.

There may be no hope of fixing what she broke.

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