Through the Door pt. 3

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And alone is exactly where Maria found you.

You were sitting on a bench, in the pouring rain in the garden behind the compound. Which worked out well for you as your tears blended in with the rain. But Maria knew better.

She knew you as well as your mo... as well as Natasha did. So she knew you were crying even before seeing your face. She knew that no words would fix what you were feeling or going through. So she sat next to you with her arm around you while you cried into her shoulder.

God, it's a good thing it was a warm night because with the amount of time the two of you sat outside in the rain you would have gotten sick.

But what you didn't see is that while you both sat in the garden with your backs to the compound, Natasha stood at the window watching both of you. Almost at a loss at the empty and sad feeling she felt when she looked at you.

And it's as if her feet were frozen too the ground. She stood there watching the two of you.

It was almost all at once did the memories come flooding back in after months of being without them. She didn't even realize she was crying until Clint came up behind her. And when everyone noticed she was crying they all left, never knowing the widow to show emotions like this.

She couldn't stop the tremble in her hands or her voice before Clint heard a whispered "She's broken Clint... and it's all my fault."

They both knew the weight of the situation. When you first came all they saw was a broken child who endured a tough past. And then you called Nat mama for the first time and they started to see you become the person you were today. One so full of life and love for her family.

And now.

Well now they both stood as if they were looking at a mirror of the broken girl from years ago. One where you didn't light up the room as you entered. One where you felt alone.

You had lost all sense of normalcy and family the minute Nat woke up and didn't know who you are.

"You can't blame yourself Nat, they did something to you and when you woke up and she realized you didn't remember her, she made the choice not to say anything." As Clint said that Nat turned to him and asked what he meant.

"She knew from previous experiences how delicate the brain is after enduring what you did. She's the one who told us how to proceed with everything before Cho could." Clint took a breath before continuing, knowing that what he was about to say was going to shatter Natasha's heart.

And it did.

"Nat she chose to put you before herself, because while all she wanted was her mom. She knew the team and the world needed Natasha Romanoff healthy. So if that meant waiting and hoping everyday for your memories to return she would do it, even if it meant waiting and hoping forever. Because she couldn't and wouldn't put her own needs and wants above anyone else's need for you."

God Nat didn't think her heart could shatter like it did when she heard that. That you put everyone on the team and the world ahead of yourself because you thought they needed her. That you would do anything, including not pushing memories onto her so her brain could heal properly. Even if that meant the possibility of never having her back in your life as your mom.

She couldn't just sit there and watch you cry any longer and she couldn't let you go any farther in leaving when she saw you getting up and walking away. So before Clint could get in another word or you could get any farther away she was sprinting.

Before you knew it a body was colliding with your own pulling you into her and cradling your head to her while hugging you tightly.

The team watched from the window as they saw what was happening. They saw the way you stiffened at the hug before melting into your mom and sobbing even harder than you were before.

They watched as Nat held you even when your legs gave way and you both were sitting on the wet ground.

"Shhh baby I'm here" she whispered to you as you both sunk to the ground.

The ground and you both were soaked, but hell Nat didn't care. She would sit and hold you for as long as you needed. She felt you clutch onto her shirt as if she would slip away as she whispered that she was there and that she remembered.

Over the next few hours, Little by little she could see the toll this took on you and vowed right then and there that unless the world was ending she was done. She couldn't do this to you again. She couldn't and wouldn't put herself in a situation where you had to be the adult and make a decision like that again.

She has that life and that family she talked about earlier that night, and she'd be damned if she was the reason it all slipped away.

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