Whose Birthday pt. 2

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An: once again this is not proof read but it's kinda angsty kinda cute so enjoy

You woke up the next morning with puffy eyes and a death grip on Maria's shirt in one hand and Carol's hand your other one.

You looked over to see Carol reading and Maria on her phone as her hand gently ran through your hair.

"Hey baby" she said, causing Carol to put her book down and pay attention to the interaction.

"You stayed" you whispered out as tears started to form in your eyes.

Carol sighed knowing that if you were about to cry again you had finally had enough. And it worried her to no end that you had been this alone for a while.

Carol stayed lost in a trance until she started to hear Maria talk again.

"Oh sweetie none of that" she said as she wiped your tears away before saying "of course we stayed. You needed us."

You went to say something before a grumbling stomach prompted Carol and Maria to usher you downstairs to get something to eat.

The two of them bustled around the kitchen to make you breakfast and shared a look every once in a while every time they looked over to where you sat on the counter zoned out.

It wasn't until the chatter of the rest of the team echoed through the room did you come back to reality. Your eyes snapped towards the door and your hands started to shake, but before you could even look at Maria or Carol both had put themselves between you and the door.

The team could barely get through the door before stopping in front of Maria and Carol. Neither of them budged in their stance and the closest of the two, Carol, gripped onto your hand to ground you and let know that they were there for you.

"What do you want" Maria bit out at the team.

The team was stunned with the tone and intensity of both Maria and Carol. No one knew what to do or what to say. Until Natasha ran into the back of Steve.

"Why are you all... oh..." she said.

Natasha made her way to the front of the group before turning around "go... all of you" she ordered. The team took one last look at each other and then Carol and Maria before making their way out of the room.

But that wasn't before Tony muttered "I still don't understand what we did wrong." And if looks could kill, he'd be dead three times over by now.

When Nat finally turned back to face Maria and Carol they had never seen her look so desperate.

"Please I just need to talk to her" Natasha begged both of them. But before either of them could say anything you slipped from their grasp, past Natasha and team and made your way to the roof.

The roof had always been your safe space. It was a place where you felt like you had the room to breath. Where everything could fade away.
That's why Natasha originally built you an escape up here. But Carol was the one to fill it with things you needed at a time like this, and it was Maria who would usually check on you.

Which it why you were surprised you had been able to spend the whole day and well in the evening. So when you heard the faint footsteps coming up behind you, you knew your peace was about to be interrupted.

"Maria... I don't want to talk. I don't want to go back down there. I just want to sit up here..." you let out a shaky breath as the tears you had been holding in all day finally spilled.

"I just want to sit here and pretend that everything is right between me and ma..Natasha and the team. And I just want to look at the stars as it all fades away."

"Well baby, it's good thing the stars are my favorite, right behind you" Carol said as she sat down next to you, pulling your hand into her own. A comfortable silence fell across the both of you, and you thought it would stay that way until she began talking, ignoring the tears running down your face as she looked out at the stars with you.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do. The way Maria does" she says. "This life hasn't been easy on you. And seems ever since you joined the team it's just gotten harder, but you've never lost your love. You wear your heart on your sleeve and love so deeply... even when people don't deserve it."

Flashes of memories of popped into your head. Many of your firsts happened with them. With Natasha. You though of Natasha like a mom. She was always there. Until she wasn't.

Soon there was mission after mission. Paperwork and training replaced your time with her. And then when Peter came along her time with him replace any remaining time you had left. You were left fleeting smiles in the hallways in passing when she was off to Peters science fair or project presentation, often leaving you to do yours with no one in the audience.

Until Maria and Carol found out. That's how they became your support systems in your life. That's how your little escape on the roof with a hammock and food got built and equipped with books. That's how they knew where to find you after you stormed out. And after everything you realized you may have found a little family after all.

And a small smile made its way onto your face. That's when Carol knew you weren't paying attention. But she didn't say anything, she just let you process and come back to reality at your own pace. You didn't even realize Maria had joined you until you felt her shift her body to block some of the wind.

"Thank you" you whispered out while looking down at the two pairs of interlocked hands in your lap.

"I've always said and based having a family off of having everyone on this team. But when I had no one I still you two. And I.." a sobbed ripped through your chest as both women moved closer to pull you into their embrace.

"And I could never thank you enough for always being there. No matter what... I love you both, so much" you whispered out.

"I love you baby so much" Maria whispered while kissing your forehead, and Carol followed suit. Whispering a quick "I love you" while squeezing your hand three times. Both starting to restore your faith in family and love while slowly re-breaking down that brick wall that seems to be a mile high.

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