Bad Call pt. 2

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**TW: mentions of starving, cuts, almost death, one swear word**


Natasha ran to your room, and the only reason the door was open because Tony had a safety measure put into place. Had he not added that programming, then they wouldn't have made it to you in time.

Nat picked you up and ran you to medbay where Bruce and Helen Cho were waiting. After Yelena and Clint had to drag Nat out of the room, they could get to work trying to save you. The team could only hear bits and pieces as the two worked...

"She's severely dehydrated"

"There are bruises everywhere"

"These cuts are infected"

"Bruce do you know the last time she actually ate something"

"We're losing her"

"Charge to 200.... Clear"

The team just sat in horror as they watched Bruce and Helen barely get you back. This was all their fault. Nat couldn't take it anymore. How could she have been so dumb... so careless with your emotions. God she didn't even give you a chance. A chance to explain what happen. A chance to show them what you saw. A chance for them to understand.

They all jumped to conclusions trying to place the blame anywhere but themselves. If anyone were to blame for not only what happened on the mission but what happened to you, it was the team. And boy would they never forget it.

Especially once Fury and Maria Hill arrived to medbay. But little did they know the worst was yet to come, the team was about to find out how you got recruited. More specifically, why one of Fury's only soft spots happened to be for you.

"Your in trouble now" was all the team heard out of Fury's mouth as they heard commotion in the hall before in walked Captain Marvel herself.

To back track, Carol and Nick fury are the ones who found you and took you in. They were your first family, but eventually Carol had to go back to space. Right before she left you called her mom for the first time and to have to leave right after you calling her mom pained her. Which is why she asked Hill to look out for you on top of Fury who had always promised to keep you safe. No one besides Fury and Hill knew of her relation to you, and it was supposed to stay that way to keep you both safe.

You saw Carol very infrequently once she left again, but when you did it was always something that was kept low key and unknown to the avengers. The only ones who had devices to contact her were you and Fury, which is how she found out about your condition.

Carol was seething as she made her way to where the Avengers were sitting in the private waiting room outside the medbay. They all went to greet her but she ignored them and asked Fury where you were.
"They're working on stabilizing her, she was barely alive when they found her" he said.

She slowly released a breath to try and calm her anger before turning to glare at the team. The team shuddered under her gaze as it was at least minute before she spoke. "If any of you ever, and I mean ever cast her out and treat my daughter as the villain again before even hearing OR WATCHING the whole story, I will end you" Carol said as she calmed back down.

The team froze at hearing her call you her daughter.

She turned to Natasha next and continued "she trusted you. You were her best friend dammit. And you sat and watched them threaten her and cast her out and treat her as if she was nothing" and at this point Carol was done being civil with your supposed "best friend," especially since she saw the footage of everything that happened on her way there.


A whispered apology came from Nat but all you heard was Carol's response that it wasn't her she should be apologizing to.

And you, she turned towards Steve. "America's righteous hero... you will be a dead hero if you EVER throw her past in her face again."

"She's a child Steve. God she idolizes all of you and you turned into an emotionally abusive hero who terrifies her."

The room was silent as Carol took a breath, but before she could continue Helen Cho came out to update them that you were stable and resting. Carol, Fury and Hill all entered the room you were in while the rest of the team stood frozen in the hall unsure of what to do. That was until Yelena told them all to go shower and eat and that someone would keep them updated as she knew you wouldn't want to see any of them.

They slowly got up to leave looking at your door as they left, the reality of everything setting in and they knew they had a lot to make up and apologize for. But Nat stayed frozen in her seat with tears threatening to fall down her face. Yelena took a seat next to her sister, giving her the space and comfort to be vulnerable about what she was feeling.

"I really screwed up Lena" she said. "I..I don't know why I didn't fight for her. She always thinks things through before doing it so I knew she would have actually had to think she was saving the people whose voices she heard. And I let them treat her like shit and say those things to and about her." She was crying now and Yelena sat there holding her sister unsure of what to do.

"You're going to have a lot of apologizing to do" Yelena started, "and she won't trust you right away, but she will forgive you" and with that Nat turned to her sister and asked "how do you know?"

To which Yelena responded "She's your best friend, but most importantly she loves you. It may take her awhile, but god she's the best out of all of us. Nat, we're two of the few people she trusted and considered family, you don't just lose that. At least not with her."

Nat got up contemplating what Yelena said and just stood at the window that looked in on your room. She saw Maria and Carol holding your hands as they they talked to your sleeping form while fury sat in the corner. All she could do was hope that when you woke up you'd give her a chance.

A chance to apologize, to make it right, and a chance to earn back your trust.

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