Yes Ma'am pt.2

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You had spent days in your room following that mission. You were so unsure of yourself and if you were allowed out. You desperately wanted to avoid another punishment so you played it safe and just stayed in your room.

Wanda could hear your thoughts echo through the compound. They were so loud she couldn't control whether she heard them or not. Her heart broke at the fear and unsureness you held. But on top of your thoughts she could also hear Nat's self deprecating thoughts and sadness on top of it. Between the two of you she was having a hard time tuning out everything.

No one saw you for days. They would drop food off at your room but at first you didn't eat it. You weren't sure if you were allowed since the team never expressly said you could eat it. The team realized you only ate when Yelena dropped off your food and said that it was out there for you to eat.

Nat had yet to even approach your door or try to talk to you. She was really struggling with what she did. God all she wanted to do was protect you like her own and she ended up hurting you. The one person you thought you could trust and she ruined it in less than a second.

After a week the team got called on a mission, the only ones not needed were you and Yelena. As they were leaving Nat finally stopped by your room to let you know they were leaving for a mission and that you were free to roam around the compound if you want, eat when you wanted and hangout with Yelena.

After ensuring the quinjet was indeed gone you finally ventured outside your room. First to the kitchen to make lunch then to the living room. Yelena was in the living room watching a movie when you got there and she was more than happy to have you join her. You sat there through the whole movie, not really paying attention but anxiously playing with your fingers. Yelena noticed within the first five minutes but wanted to give you the space to talk to her on your own. But once the movie ended she gave up on that notion.

She slowly turned towards you and asked what was wrong and then reassured you that you could freely talk and there would be no repercussions.

You contemplated what she said before quietly asking "Lena...does Nat not want me here anymore."

Yelena looked as if her eyes were about to pop out of their socket, but you didn't notice. It was as if everything clicked in Yelena's head. Especially once putting the final piece together that you finally came out when Nat said it was ok.

She quickly regained her composure before asking you why you thought that.

"I just... I don't know what I did wrong on the mission and since then she hasn't talked to me. I um..." you stuttered and looked at yelena as if making sure it's ok to continue. To which she gave you an encouraging smile to go on.

"Well I um, didn't think I could leave my room after what happened because she slapped me and I just wanted to know what I did wrong because I've never had anyone in my life look out for me like you and Nat and I thought well maybe I was starting to be a part of this family and now I feel like she doesn't want me around because I did something wrong and I think it should leave so she's more comfortable" you rambled on as tears started to form.

Yelena couldn't even fathom the other thoughts going on in your head. But before she could even respond she was cut off by you saying you had to go back to your room because Nat said you could come out while they were gone and they were back.

God she felt so bad she couldn't just fix your problem. There was only one person who could, and that person only saw your figure quickly leaving as she came in from the mission.

She looked Nat dead in the face and said "you better fix it" before trying to walk out of the room. Nat grabbed her harshly by the wrist before demanding Yelena to tell her what she meant.

"That girl" yelena started, "She thinks that you want her to leave the compound because she thinks she did something wrong on that mission. She's ready to pack up her things and leave because she now thinks your uncomfortable with her being here." Yelena had to calm down before continuing because she didn't want you to hear her argument with Nat.

"Nat she did absolutely nothing wrong on that mission and we all know that. She got stuck in the crossfire. If you've noticed she actually left her room because she looks up to you. She needs you and you've pushed her so far away because you're afraid to talk to her. God she idolizes you and and thought she was becoming part of this family and now she's so unsure of herself she doesn't no what to do."

Nat just took everything Yelena was saying in knowing that her sister was right. She had to fix things with you before you tried to leave. When Yelena finally stopped talking Nat rushed out of the room, but not before thanking her sister.

She quickly made her way to your room and knocked asking to come in. She got no response, but FRIDAY informed her that the door was now unlocked. She walked in to find you curled up by the huge window staring out of it. As she got closer she could see the fresh tear stains on your face.

It was as if all at once the emotions Nat had been trying to keep at bay suddenly came to a head as she sat beside you with tears brimming her eyes. "Hey" she whispered. "Hey" you whispered back.

"Nat" you said with a slight tremble in your voice, "are you going to ask me to leave now" trying to hide the sadness and fear in your voice.

"No sweetie you don't have to leave. You don't ever to if you don't want to" Nat said. "What happened on the jet was wrong and if anyone was in the wrong it was me. Nothing that happened was on you, it falls on the team and me."

Nat paused before making you look at her. "I need you to know that you are one of the most important people here to me and I'm so sorry that I've broken your trust. But I'm going to do everything in my power to regain it" she said as you both had tears coming down your faces.

"Does this mean I don't have to stay in my room anymore" you asked.

"Sweetie you never had to stay there, but yes. This compound and everything the Avengers have access to, you have access to. We'll accept maybe the labs because you know how Tony feels about people in the lab."

She finally got a faint chuckle out of you.

"I hope you know that I'm truly sorry. I love you and I will do anything to protect you" she finished talking while grabbing your hand.

"Thanks Nat" you said.

There would be a long road ahead of you in terms of trust, but Nat took it as a win that you didn't call her ma'am. There might be hope for your relationship and progress with people after all. She just had to hope the team or herself didn't screw it up again

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