The fugitive pt. 3

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Last and final part!

The two sisters made their way out of the room and down the hallway in silence before heading to the common room where the team was sitting.

Nat slammed the watch on the table and said "she's one of us..." before going into a huge speech on your background and how her and yelena knew you and where the watch was from.

All the while you could feel yourself slipping out of control. Beating the mind control had been your biggest strength in the red room.

But Dreykov knew this, which is why monthly you got injected with a new version of the serum. In hopes that one day you wouldn't be able to break free. The most recent was right before Nat and Yelena had taken down the red room.

You had only just been able to break through when Fury offered you a place on the team. And truthfully, that's why you didn't come around often. When you felt yourself slipping and loosing control you'd lock yourself in your room and have FRIDAY put your room on lock down.

No one in, and no one out. That's how you keep everyone safe. You had thought you knew Nat and yelena from before, but they couldn't be the same two who looked after you in the red room. They died. He told you they did.

Which is why you didn't know that they both heard the lullaby and ran to talk to the team.

You didn't know that they were explaining that you were one of Dreykov's greatest prizes.

"The perfect doll, able to break through even the toughest of mind control serums" were his words.

The team sat in shock. At learning of the two widows history with you. How they had practically adopted the "red widow" into their little family.

It was then it clicked with Yelena how the watch got here.

"They must have realized she was here and had broken through another round of control. They dropped the watch in her room somehow in hopes to get her back... there's only 2 of them left after her. They need her to rebuild."

Yelena then went running back to where you were in the cell. Not wanting to leave unprotected if they came for you while in that cell. But she came to a halt when she got to your cell to when she saw you sitting completely still, staring straight ahead at the wall.

She started to walk closer, and it was then she saw the facade fade, but just for a moment. It took you ten minutes but you finally were able to break long enough to tell her you weren't in control and that you didn't want to hurt her, or anyone else.

What you didn't see was that yelena had one of the serums in her hand that set the other widows free. She didn't know if it would work on you, but you had already been able to break free from it at times, so she had to try.

She went to move into your cell when her arm was caught by another.

"Yel... I'll do it. I was supposed to protect both of you. And if you get hurt trying to help her, neither of us will be happy" Natasha said as she grabbed the vial and started to walk towards the keypad to let herself in.

As she did she started to hum the lullaby her and yelena used to hum when you were nervous, or scared. She watched as you fought with yourself too regain control against the mind control.

When Clint came in the room and you were distracted, Nat was able to get close enough to smash the serum in your face. All while continuing to hum and untie you.

When the dust settled you looked up and tried to move away from Nat.

"Please don't run from me" she whispered as she tilted your face to get you to look at her

Your voice trembled and you avoided eye contact with her as you said "I don't want to hurt you, any of you... what if I do" you whispered out the last part.

"You won't, I... we trust you" Yelena said joining Nat on the ground with you.

Your eyes snapped up so fast to examine both widows expressions. Finding no trace of deceit in either of them you looked back down at the scars that were now showing.

"I'm sorry you were hurting and we didn't know" Nat said as tears were lining her eyes. "And I'm sorry it took so long for us to remember... I should have done better, I should have known." She said as she traced the lines on your skin.

"You were alone and it's our fault" you heard Yelena whisper. She didn't think anyone heard her, but you did.

"Its ok, It's not your fault" you started. "You couldn't have known. I was so little when I was with you both, and I was never your family... not really. You have each other, I was just the scared little girl that you had to look after."

Nat sighed and you had thought you angered her, so went to try and apologize before she cut you off.

"Oh sweet girl, you were so much more. You were always a piece of our family. When we met you Yelena and I promised each other we would get you out. That we would always protect you. So when we thought you died Dreykov truly saw how terrifying the black widows can be when paired with the white widow" Nat said as she grabbed your hand to stop you from playing with the scars.

"We never would have left you there had we known you were still alive" Yelena said as she grabbed your other hand.

"Please forgive us младшая сестра (little sister)" Nat whispered.

You just pulled both girls into a hug before you all finally made your way off the floor and up to the common room. Where you were properly introduced to the team and Nat and Yelena's younger sister.

Your time with the team only improved from there. You were out and about more, hanging out with them more and you even went on missions... usually ones with Nat or Yelena, or both as they were hesitant to let you go on your own. Both afraid to lose you again.

One night after a long mission and an even worse nightmare, you made your way to the Nat's room where Nat and Yelena were having a movie night. You made your way over to the bed and you shoved yourself in between them.

They could feel you subtly shaking as you grabbed their hands. They didn't say anything, they just waited for you to tell them about this one. But what you said shocked them both.

"Thank you" you whispered, voice raw with emotion and in the verge of tears. "Thank you for saving me... and for remembering me"

"Oh малыш (baby)" Nat sighed as the two pulled you impossibly closer to them. After a while Yelena could see you fighting sleep.

"Go to sleep маленький (little one), you're safe. We'll be here when you wake up" yelena said as they both cuddled closer to you.

"я тебя люблю (I love you)" you said out loud as you finally drifted off to sleep.

You didn't hear them each respond that they love you too, but you knew. And you fell asleep that night and no nightmares plagued your dreams.

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