First Christmas

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You slowly made your way down to the common room of the compound. It was Christmas, well your first Christmas ever but no one needed to know that.

You were still new to the team. I mean you've only been there a month and the rest of the team members were still skeptical about you. The only ones who weren't were Yelena, Nat and Maria. And let's be honest, Maria wasn't skeptical about you because she rescued you and knew your full story. But she was also rarely around. Yelena and Nat were the only ones to really try and get to know you through you and not through some file that was handed to them.

So as you made your way down to where everyone else was, the echo of laughter could be heard from where you exited the elevator. But it all stopped the moment you walked into the room.

Unsure of whether to join or head back upstairs, you stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before deciding to just leave. You muttered a good morning and went to turn to leave before Yelena called you over to the couch her and Nat were on.

You hesitantly joined the sisters and sat there basically the rest of the day while the rest of the team laughed and joked and opened presents with one another. Dinner came and went and you still had barely uttered a couple words the whole time, making yelena a little nervous.

She knew you were still trying to find your place, but even with the few interactions you've had with everyone you are usually more talkative. So when you had barely said anything all day and were avoiding eye contact with everyone, including herself, she was desperate to figure out what was going on.

And you wouldn't know it, but seeing her sister worry about you, made Nat even more concerned than her sister. You could hide your emotions just as well as the widows, so if Yelena was worried for you then something was really wrong.

When everyone made their way back to the common room it was if the conversation never faltered. Nat and Yelena watched you like a hawk, and when they realized that you were starting to talk they began talking between the two of them to try and figure out what was going on.

Out of the every conversation happening, they heard Tony ask you about Christmas traditions. And when you were hesitant to answer they both knew why, and their hearts broke.

"I've never celebrated Christmas before" you said as you kept your eyes to the floor while you fiddled with the hem of your shirt.

"I don't even know what it's supposed to look like, I was never allowed outside of a cell for years, and the other times I spent brainwashed and not in control... and even before I never had a family and I was never safe, so no...I have no traditions" you muttered as tears gathered in your eyes. The vulnerability you were showing took the team by surprise. But it was the silence in the room that overwhelmed you to the point where you left.

Leaving behind a stunned team whose hearts broke at the fact that not only have you never celebrated Christmas, but that you never had a family or felt safe.

While the team sat amongst themselves, still processing everything you said, the two sisters made their way up to your room. And when they received no answer on your door when they knocked, they entered. They were prepared to find you in your room, but they weren't prepared to find you curled up in the corner with a hand over your mouth as you muffled the sobs.

Nat slowly brought your hand away from your face before saying "your emotions aren't a weakness, you're safe here, we're here." By the time she whispered the last part to you, she hand maneuvered you to be in her arms on her lap while her and Yelena hugged you.

Both whispering that you were safe and that you were showing your strength, not your weaknesses.

"детка (baby), look at me please" yelena said as she pulled you a little bit away from Nat's body so they both could look at you.

Nat began wiping the tears from your face as her sister kept talking. "I know that I... we can't change the past. We can't change that you never had childhood, or a Christmas. And we can't change the fact that you felt unsafe in the past. But what we can do is change the present."

"We can be your family" Nat took over. "Just like you, Yelena and I never had the privilege of having a biological family. But family isn't always by blood, and I learn more and more everyday to cherish that family."

Nat turned you face to look at her, she wanted to looked at you when she said her next sentence. "We may not be biologically family, but Yelena and I look at you as if you're our little sister. You will always be safe with us, and will do everything in our power to make sure you are never alone without your family, again."

"We love you so much маленький паук (little spider)" Yelena said. You looked at both of them before saying "you really want to be my family?"

"More than anything" they both responded.

It was quite for a while before they heard a whispered "do we get to celebrate Christmas now... and we can buy each other presents."

Both women chuckled as they could hear the excitement making its presence known before finally nodding to let you know you could. Of course, this would have to start next year as based off of Tony's text, there would be a redo Christmas tomorrow so that you could fully enjoy your first Christmas with your family. Presents, cookie making, ice skating and the works were planned for tomorrow, and Nat and Yelena could hardly contain their excitement as they tucked you into to bed at the surprise for tomorrow.

You went to bed that night, and for the first time no nightmares plagued your mind. And for the first time, you finally felt safe.

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