I've Never Been Here Before

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*AN: this one is about to be short as hell

You, Natasha and Yelena were out on a road trip. Ever since demolishing the red room the three of you have had time to actually explore the work around you without constantly looking over your shoulder.

It was a since a rare sense of peace the three of you had. So you all decided to road trip from New York to Tennessee. Yelena really wanted to see the things she read and heard about from other freed widows. Which is why you and Nat wanted to bring her to Nashville.

While Lena didn't really do well in crowds, she was really keen on seeing everything. So you drove the 10 hours in the middle of the week to try and avoid some crowds.

You all had a great time exploring, shopping and just hanging out. It finally a piece of normal life that you've been craving. On your last day, you and Nat took Yelena to walk around broadway. But around half way through Yelena's anxiousness started to get the best of her. As you were making your way to the car, Yelena stopped in the middle of the sidewalk grabbed your hands and smiled. Which quite honestly confused the hell out of you and Nat.

But when you both stopped and listened you understood why. The bar you were walking by was playing "American Pie."

The three of you told there holding hands and humming along to the song until the chorus came and you slowly started walking away singing quietly to Nat and Lena squeezing their hands three times to signal you love them.

The three of you have been through a lot together and you're glad to have them by your side. You've never had a family, but Lena and Nat were the closest you had to one and you thank the stars every day that the three of you made it out of the red room alive. You may not have made it out ok, but you made it out and you'd deal with every thing else together.

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