A Place With Us

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"All she is and will be is some Hydra experiment" was all you heard Nat say through the doorway you were about to enter.

You stood there, waiting for someone to argue with her or make her see reason. But no one did, and with Yelena and Kate out on a mission you should have never expected anyone to stand up for you.

And Wanda was only able to get a glimpse of you as you ran from the door.

You had been secretive with your past, because you were truly terrified of it. Anytime you thought about it, well you got stuck in flashbacks.
Yelena and Kate knew that, only because you had tried to open to them but stuck in a flashback for hours. You trusted them, you thought you could trust Nat.

And you believed that Nat and the rest of the avengers were becoming your family. But if today taught you anything you now knew that wasn't the case.

All they would ever see you as was some Hydra experiment. Some monster that Hydra created. And that no matter what you would never have a family you could rely on.

So you took more and more missions, to point where you never really saw the team. And no one could understand or put two and two together that they had less missions overall because you were taking them all.

You had to prove that you weren't a monster.

At first your wounds were superficial. But as the missions got harder and more dangerous you got worse and worse wounds. You stitched up your own wounds so that you wouldn't bother the team. So that you could prove you could be an asset to the team.

Soon though it got to a point where Wanda couldn't stand by and let you continue to put yourself in harms way.

One night, after an extremely difficult mission Wanda could hear you in your mind struggling to stitch up your wound. It didn't help that mission went poorly so your vision was clouded by tears.

"Oh sweetie" was all you heard as Wanda quickly entered the room. She tried to gently grab your hand to help when you flinched away.

"Sorry" you whispered.

Wanda just sighed. "You don't have to apologize sweetie" she said. You both sat in silence as Wanda started to help you stitch up some of your cuts until you heard a gasp come from the door.

No one said anything until Yelena came up to you and cupped your cheek. You leaned into the affection she gave you, it was if for only a moment you were more than the monster you saw yourself as.

You would think that Wanda wasn't the only mind reader when Yelena said "you're not a monster."

She took a deep breath before continuing again. "You need stop doing this to yourself, you are more than whatever bad thought running through your mind."

"Can I help Wanda stitch you up" she gently asked as her thumb traced one of the scars on your face. You just nodded and she went to work helping.

They worked in silence until you quietly said "just some Hydra experiment."

"Hmm" Yelena mumbled, not quite sure she heard you right.

You looked up in that moment and said "I'm just some Hydra experiment, and that's all I ever be."

"You heard Nat say that didn't you" Wanda asked quietly. To which you just nodded.

"I thought that maybe, well maybe you all would have saw past my past. That I could finally have people... have someone to be my family. But it's no use, I will never be more than this monster that Hydra created me to be." You finished with tears streaming down your face.

Both women stopped what they were doing to turn your face to look at them; both of them had tears brimming their eyes too.

"Sweetie you are so much more than that I promise" Wanda started.

"And I'm so so sorry you've been treated the way you have by team, and by Nat. You never, ever deserved it" Wanda finally said.

"I didn't notice, how could I have never noticed" Yelena said with a trembling voice.

You and Wanda both looked at her confused.

"I should have noticed.... Noticed that you were hurting. That you were getting hurt and going through this all alone" she said as tears started to flow down her face.

"Regardless of what happened with Nat you're my family, and I let you go through this alone... you sweet girl are not a monster and are more deserving than anyone of a family, of this family. I'm so sorry that you thought you didn't have a place here. But I promise you, you have a place here, with me... with both of us" Yelena said as they both pulled you into a hug without hurting you.

The next couple weeks were rough as it took a while for both Yelena and Wanda to coax you to come to more things with the team. Both vowing to protect you from anyone, including the team and Nat.

And boy did Nat have a lot of explaining to do.

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