Numb pt. 3

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God and that hope went right out the window less than five minutes into the mission.

The avengers were fighting what seemed like an endless battle. You had already pushed yourself but you had yet to use your powers hoping to save them for when you truly needed them.

All at once the battle shifted and the avengers were loosing. You all had been cornered into one area and it was if time slowed. You, Nat, Yelena and Bucky had all noticed the multiple snipers on the roof all having their guns pointed at the team. As Bucky yelled get down it was if time had slowed and you knew what you had to use your last little bit of powers and energy on.

You had stepped in front of the team to make sure they were all behind you before using your powers to put a shield around you all before letting out a blast of energy that leveled the field taking out all enemy forces. When you realized the team was safe your knees buckled under you and Nat caught you before you could hit the ground. She cradled your body against her own, before sitting you up to check for any injuries or bullet wounds. Finding nothing she breathed a signed of relief as tears started to brim her eyes.

"You're ok baby, you're ok... I'm so proud of you" Nat whispered out as she held you before lifting you in her arms.

As they boarded the quinjet they hooked you up to an iv and Nat could see you were fighting to keep your eyes open but your breathing was heavy as if you were panicking because you didn't know if you could stay awake.

"It's ok you can rest, you're safe. Im right here and I'll be here when you wake up" Nat said holding your shaking hand.

You looked her in the eye to try and find any source of lying as you whispered "Promise?"

"I promise детка (baby)" Nat said as she held your gaze. You searched her eyes and features for a good minute before nodding and tightening your grip on her hand before succumbing to the darkness that was already present at the edges of your vision.

As Nat sit there she was stewing in her own thoughts and guilt at what happened. She never would have left you had she known this was how the team would treat you.

She took a deep breath before turning to the team to speak, never dropping your hand in the process. She had to keep her emotions in check in order to get out what she wanted to say.

"I don't know what possessed you to do this to a child but I've never been more disappointed to be an Avenger. They are basically a child who has been a part of this team for almost two years. TWO YEARS!" She screamed the last part before recomposing herself to continue.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I don't care if you noticed or not because at some point all of you allowed the others to treat her like this. All she's ever done is work to gain your trust and prove she belonged here. She just saved all of us despite how you've treated her. When she wakes up you have a lot of apologizing to do and trust to earn."

"It will be a miracle if she trusts you again" Natasha whispered out as she turned her body back towards you.

It was days before you finally woke up in med bay. The team was walking on eggshells around Nat as she was always there right next to you. Not just to keep her promise to be there, but to make sure you weren't alone and to protect you from the people who were supposed to protect you.

You woke up with a weight in your right hand and realized that Nat was still there. You squeezed her hand to let her know you were awake.

Nat had never been more excited in her life to see your eyes. In the two years you had been on the team she looked at you as her own, and to see her baby's eyes finally open again made the tears that brimmed her eyes fall down her face.

You and Nat sat in silence for a few minutes as she continued to hold your hand. But you were stewing in your own thoughts. That was until she went to get up and you thought she was leaving so you started to panic.

Nat tucked the strand of hair that started to cover your face before saying "don't worry, I'm not leaving. I'm just getting up to come hold you."

You immediately moved over to make room for her. Wanda and Yelena knocked at the door and Nat looked to you to see if it was ok for them to enter and you nodded.

The two women entered the room and stood at either side of the bed. They stood because they wanted you to be able to see their eyes and face as they apologized.

But you beat them to it. "It's ok you know, it's not your fault."

Reading your thoughts (your very loud thoughts) Wanda stepped in before you could continue.

"And it's not yours either" she said cupping your face as Nat sat beside you.

"We never should have continued to allow them to treat you like that when we realized what was happening, and that's on us. But you, you did nothing but be there for the team and despite how they treated you, you still chose to protect them." Wanda stated and Yelena jumped in to finish before Wanda could.

"So believe us when you tell you, you did absolutely nothing wrong. And we are so sorry."

You looked at both of them before saying "I accept your apology, but it's going to take time for me to trust you all. But thank you for trying once you realized what was happening" you said and both just nodded before leaving the room.

Before leaving the room Wanda spoke to Nat in her head.

"She doesn't understand why." Nat whipped her head before Wanda said "she's never had anyone care for her as much as you do. Explain why, she needs it."

Nat nodded as Wanda walked out the door.

"I hope it's ok but I don't want to see anyone else yet" you said to Nat and she nodded letting you know she heard you.

You sat in still for a while for before turning to cuddle into Nat as she stroked your hair. Before you could even ask her why she cared Nat started to quietly talk.

"When you first came to the team you were so quiet and reserved. You had just finally earned your freedom and your first choice with free will and you chose to join us. God I could see so much of myself in you it was scary" she chuckled before continuing.

"I knew from the moment I saw you I had to protect you as my own. After what the red room did to me I never thought I'd have a daughter, or someone to love as my own. I never really knew was love was, but I also never thought I'd feel the need to protect so fiercely as I do with you. Not because you couldn't, but to prove to you that someone finally had your back. That someone could finally be your family."

Nat sniffled and you wiped her tears just like she wiped yours. You had never seen her so vulnerable but also, you both chuckled at the movement.

"When I came back my heart broke. Because I couldn't believe that the people I trusted most had hurt my baby, one of the few people that I love most in this world."

You sat there crying as Nat continued to talk with tears still streaming her face.

"Baby I am so so sorry I left you with them and that they treated you the way they did. You didn't deserve that. You are worthy of the trust of this team and your position within it. You have been and always will be more than enough. I promise that you are no longer alone and myself and Yelena are your family now. I love you so much and will spend everyday proving it to you if I have to."

Nat finally finished to see you staring at her so intently. She had never heard you sound so small as you asked if she meant it.

"Always" she responded with no hesitation.

You cuddled closer to her and held onto her shirt as if you were scared she would disappear. "I love you Nat" you whispered.

"I love you too baby" she said as you drifted off to sleep.

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