Oceans Apart pt. 3

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Wanda could sense the confusion rolling off the team as well as hear the ever loud questions rolling through their minds.

But before any of them could move Wanda grabbed the multiple containers of soup and told them to sit. That Nat would explain everything when she felt she could and when she felt you were safe.

"You know who she is" Sam asked.

"Yes, I do and to answer your question. Yes she safe and honestly outside of this team and Maria, she's probably the one person you want around."

And with that Wanda also made her way to medbay where everyone besides Cho was waiting outside your room.

It seemed as if hours passed as Clint, Maria, Wanda and Yelena waited outside the room that you and Nat were in as Cho checked you over. You hadn't wanted to be alone, not letting go of Nat for a second.

God the list of injuries was extensive and when you were finally left alone with Nat you could almost relax. Nat could see you fighting the exhaustion, trying to stay awake. She cupped your cheek and assure you that you were safe and that she would be here when you woke up.

You looked at her and just moved over on the bed, looking at her and hoping she got the message. She slowly and carefully got in the bed next to you allowing you to curl up next to her and finally fall asleep.

You were asleep for almost a day, and god did Nat and Yelena pick a bad time to go shower and get food. Because you woke up to only Maria in the room with Clint who was walking in as you woke up and your heart rate monitor spiked faster than anyone thought possible.

Absolute panic ran through your body and you were frozen in fear. With Nat and Yelena not there all you could think of was that yesterday wasn't real. That Nat wasn't there or that you didn't see glimpses of Yelena through the window while Cho checked you over in medbay.

When Yelena and Nat finally ran through the door you were hyperventilating so hard they were certain you were going to pass out. Nat and Yelena slowly made their way to the bed you were sitting on, not wanting to scare you.

They tried everything to slow your breathing. And absolutely nothing worked, until Nat sat on the bed and quite literally dragged you into her so that you could hear her heart beating. You clutched onto Nat afraid to let go. And you were trembling so hard you never noticed when Yelena joined in the huddle hugging you from the other side as Maria and Clint backed out of the room.

Still out of breath Nat and Yelena hear a whispered "you weren't here... I was so scared they were right" your voice breaking as you finished off your sentence. You grabbed hold of Yelena's hand with one hand while still clutching Nat's shirt with the other.

Nat and Yelena just held you tighter as they continued to say "we're here, it's ok your safe."
As they were doing that Wanda finally appeared with food.

"I brought you your favorite soup, I figured you all could use something to eat" she said setting down the tray. As she went to walk out she heard you ask her to stay. So she grabbed her own bowl of soup and sat in a chair off to the side.

Nat and Yelena tried to move over to make room for you all to eat, but they didn't get very far when your heart rate spiked again.

"It's ok, we're just moving over a bit so we all can eat" yelena said, make sure that even as she made room for you all to eat, some part of you was still touching her so you knew she was there.

When you finally finished eating and Wanda took the bowls out of the room the atmosphere shifted. And when you finally lifted your head from Nat's shoulder you could see both her and Yelena were about to cry. Not only could you see, but the entire team who was sitting outside the door could see.

But honestly at this point neither cared, they almost lost you. You reached up to wipe Nat's tears and she kissed your hand before saying

"I almost lost you, we almost lost you" gesturing to her and Yelena.

"You and Yelena are all I have left. I love you more than I ever thought possible my маленькая вдова (little widow) and a piece of me almost died the day that building came down..." and with the tears freely falling, yelena took over where her sister left off.

"We have always promised to protect you, and that promise was almost broken when Nat wasn't there, when we weren't there with you. We mean it when we say you are our маленькая вдова (little widow), you baby are the one thing in this world we cannot lose. I'm so sorry for whatever they did to you, but we are here, right here with you. Safe. You're safe and I promise we are going to do everything in our power to keep you safe" yelena finished.

All three of you sat in silence with tears running down your faces until you muttered "they tried to break me" and you heard a "hmm" in response. And truly Nat and Yelena heard you, they just wanted to make sure they heard you right.

"They tried to break me" you said a little louder. "Everyday was worse than the previous. Using you against me" you said turning to Nat. "They tried to convince me that they killed you, they used the fact that one of the last things I heard was that Nat was down....and they finally won before then moving to convince me that Yelena was dead too."

You had to take a second to catch your breath because of how hard you were crying.

"And I don't know what I would have done had I come back and you both were really gone. You're all I have left, the two people who see past the monster that Hydra made me to be and just see me. So when I woke up and you weren't here I panicked..."

And you didn't even finish before Nat grabbed your hands and said "we're here, right here and we're not going anywhere...ever."

An: do you want a part 4 where you meet the team and the team meets you?

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