She's my Friend

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An: request from @1-800-bullymaguire. hope this does your request justice!

It was a typical night on patrol for you and Peter, well actually just you. While you had managed to stay off the Avengers radar, Peter on the other hand had not only been discovered by Tony Stark, but joined the team.

So what were daily patrols turned into weekly and then maybe he joined you twice a month. You get it, you truly did. But that left you open to getting hurt more, and your powers could only do so much to keep you safe.

You hadn't fully mastered them, so the shield you were able to conjure didn't always work. Throw in emotions and things were bound to happen.

That's what happened the night that both you and Peter almost died. You were on patrol like normal when everything spiraled out of control. One minute you were fighting the bad guys and the next minute the avengers were there. You had lost focus for one second when you caught a glimpse of a swinging Peter and it was enough for the bad guys to get the upper hand.

For whatever reason you got thrown into a horrible memory. Flashback after flashback of your parents experimenting on you ran through your head. You came back to reality right before Peter was about to get hurt. And you tried to put a shield around him so he didn't, but due to your panicked state you blasted him with your powers instead.

The avengers had the bad guy and you ran over to an unconscious Peter. You almost made it to him before you were blasted by Tony Starks suit. You could feel the power dampening cuff being placed around your neck before passing out due to the pain and the severity of your injury.

With the that the team carried both you and Peter to the jet. You both got patched up but you were thrown into a cell before you could wake up with the power damping cuff still on your neck.

You were in the cell for days before someone came in. You could feel their presence behind you, but you stayed almost curled in a ball staring at the wall trying not to tremble with the person in the room.

When they stepped forward they saw you really start to tremble and we're confused. The only person they had seen act like this was Bucky, because Bucky had a past with cells.

They stepped forward a little more, watching you curl into yourself a little more before saying,

"Hi I'm Yelena and that's Nat" she said gesturing to her sister next to her. "We're not going to hurt you, but can you tell me who you are?"

You just stayed looking at the wall, ignoring her question before turning and asking how Peter was.

It was then did Yelena see the toll this was taking on you. The sunken in features and bags under your eyes were a clear indication that not only were you not sleeping, but you weren't eating any of the food she had been sending down. So she decided to take a different approach.

"Pete is fine and he left medbay yesterday to go home to his aunts" Yelena said as she sat down opposite the glass.

"He was worried about his friend though. Something about not hearing from them for days and he's been trying to find them" she continued talking.

But you didn't hear a thing, all you could do was looks at your hands. You hurt Peter, how could you. Yelena asked you a question which pulled you from your thoughts. You couldn't really hear her so you got up and hesitantly moved closer to the wall of the cell to talk to her.

"Sorry I couldn't really he..." you started to say but before you could finish the cuff around your neck shocked you so hard you fell to your knees.

You started crying while saying "sorry, I'm sorry I just couldn't hear her... please no more."

At that point Nat and Yelena had enough with Tony and Steve's methods and their jumping the gun with shocking you. So they opened the cell to try and help you. Because by now you hyperventilating and panicking at the thought of getting shocked again.

"No, no please no more.." you said between ragged breaths as you tried to make yourself as small as possible in the corner. It was then did Peter enter the control room where Steve and Tony were watching this.

"Why are they in a cell, more importantly why are they here and you didn't tell me?" Peter asked Tony and Steve in a tone they had never heard before.

"You both asked who's been with me on patrol, well thats who. They've helped me more time than I can count" he said while staring down the two adults in the room.

"You well they hurt you" Steve deadpanned.

"Not on purpose. One of their powers is making shields, which is what she was trying to do when I got hurt... but when she's scared or anxious her powers don't always work right."

Peter took a breath before continuing "I'm not asking you to fully trust her, but you trust me. And I, well I trust her with my life. She's saved me more time then I can ever count, and outside of Aunt May, she's the only family I have.... Out of all of us she probably has a past similar to Natasha's, and with everything she's went through she still chooses to be good. To save people. And you're treating her like the villain. we could give her a chance at having a family. People to actually care about her. SO MAYBE GIVE HER A CHANCE BEFORE YOU SHOCK HER AGAIN FOR NO REASON" he yelled as he turned to leave the room.

All the while Nat and Yelena were doing everything in their power to stop you from passing out from hyperventilating. But you were so scared after being shocked so hard that you not only passed out but stopped breathing. After finally getting your heart started again and you breathing, they rushed you to see Bruce.

Peter met Nat and Yelena in medbay to make sure you were ok. When you finally woke up, you woke up to all three sitting in the room and the cuff off your neck. All three could finally release a breath they had all been holding while they waited 4 days for you to wake up.

But when Peter went to get closer to you, you flinched away. "No Pete don't... I might hurt you."

Peter grabbed your hands before saying "it's ok, you could never hurt me."

"Yes your powers are new, but Mr. Stark never should have blasted you, or put you in that cell. Or put that damn cuff around your neck. But you're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you." He said as a smile formed at the corner of your mouth.

"Plus Nat and Yelena have deemed you worthy of being called baby spider since you're younger than all of us, so I believe you're stuck with all four of us now" he said as he laughed.

"He's right baby spider" Nat said, and before she could even finish yelena jumped in. Earning her a glare from her older sister.

"You may have only had Pete before, but your officially part of our family now. Which means I'm officially an older sister" yelena said, a smirk forming on her face.

A family. You finally had people, beside Pete in your corner... and who knows maybe the rest of the avengers aren't so bad.

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