What do you mean pt. 2

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You made it to the top of the stairs before you heard what you think was Yelena starting to yell at Nat.

You ignored Wanda and Bucky both trying to talk to you as you walked with a tear stained face back to your room. The same room that you spent almost all your time in for the next two weeks. You only came out to eat and train. Both of which you did when you could ensure no one was around.

Your nightmares came back with such a force you basically stopped sleeping all together. You had lost the one person who had been by your side even once she learned everything about your past. You couldn't help but think it was your fault. That Nat finally saw you for the monster you truly are, and you deserved to be treated as such.

When you finally emerged from your room it was only because Tony called a meeting for a mission that required all hands on deck. You entered the meeting room and all eyes were on you, analyzing the dark circles under your eyes and the weight you lost in just those two weeks alone. You couldn't even bring yourself to sit at the table with everyone, so you sat in a chair in the back corner of the room.

You should have known this mission had to do with Hydra's new base. This base was huge and seemed to only be growing. As the mission briefing went on the panic only grew. Last time you faced Hydra you had Nat, and now you had no one. It was as if the entire team stopped caring once Nat did. All you could think about was going back there, being stuck there again, and being alone.

What you didn't know was Wanda could hear your thoughts. Not because she was prying, but because the panic and fear in you was rolling off in waves. Her heart sank at the thoughts you were having. Scared of being alone, feeling like you had no one. The whole team had failed you. They did care about you, but the rest of the team thought you hurt Nat when in reality it was her who hurt you.

Wanda was literally kicking herself as she didn't make the connection sooner. You basically running past her and Bucky that night in tears should have told her everything. She saw what happened from your memories as that night was currently playing in your head.

You ran out of the room as the panic had reached it's breaking for you. And as you ran out of the room Wanda slammed her hand down on the table turning the attention towards her. She venomously spat "how could you" towards Natasha.

To which Natasha tried to act dumb and blow it off. But Wanda wasn't done. "That girl, she's gone through so much in her life, but what you did was cruel. She used to be terrified that one day you'd realize she was a monster and toss her aside."

Wanda had to take a breath as she didn't want to raise her voice and cause you to panic more. She could feel you sitting in the hallway. "I just didn't think you'd actually toss aside one of the few people that you used to call family. And if anyones the monster in that, it's you Nat."

The whole team looked at Nat. Finally realizing that you had done absolutely nothing wrong. That it was Nat that was in wrong.

Steve finally cleared his throat and said wheels up in 10.

Everyone left the room, but Nat sat frozen in her seat. Yelena stared at her, wondering what to do. She had already yelled at her that night about what she said. Even Yelena could see that Nat meant everything to that young girl, if she could even call you young as you were almost her age.

Yelena finally spoke, "look Nat, I'm not sure what changed with you and her but as I told you that night, you can have more than one sister. Family isn't by blood, we don't have that luxury. Don't let whatever is going on to cause you to lose another family member" and with that Yelena walked out the door to gear up before getting on the quinjet.

You were already on the jet when Nat finally boarded. Sitting in the farthest corner trying to make yourself as small as possible as to not be in anyones way or make them hate you even more. Not only that but you didn't trust them and you assumed they didn't trust you.

You were already a monster, at least you thought so, so you assumed they did too. So you kept trying to make yourself look and seem smaller as you trembled in your panic.

Wanda sat next you to try and calm your nerves as the panic and fear was still so strong in your aura. She grabbed your hand and sat there with you. You were halfway to the Hydra base when you heard her apologize. She apologized for how the teams been acting, that it wasn't your fault and that they didn't hate you. It did little to help, you didn't know if you could trust what she was saying. But you just nodded and went back to staring at the wall.

Wanda squeezed your hand before getting up and switching places with Yelena. You had never really spoken to Yelena, so you didn't know how to respond or react when she sat next to you.

Just like Natasha, Yelena wasn't one to show her emotions. She did the show them more then Nat did, but just barely. Yelena spoke in a whisper when she said "I'm sorry about what Nat said." You just turned to look at, wondering if she was going to say anything else.

"I know what she said hurt you, but I think in some way she's terrified of losing you like she did me for years." Yelena paused before saying "I'm not saying it's right, but I hope one day you forgive her and allow her back in," with that she got up and left just as you touched down.

Everyone filed out and made their way to their assigned entry points. Everything was going as smooth as you'd expect it to go. Intel was grabbed, Hydra agents were taken down, and you all were making your way back to the jet. But it seemed to easy.

It wasn't until you saw the quick flash of light from the rooftop did you yell get down. The team heard the gunshot and looked around to make sure everyone was ok. It appeared as though everyone was ok, until they got back to you to see Yelena on the ground and you standing in her place with a bullet wound in your abdomen.

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