Through the Door *remixed*

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Natasha was a wreck, and had been ever since Nick and Maria Hill told her that you had gone missing on a mission two days ago.

When your mom said goodbye to you over a month ago you had promised to return. But two days ago when it was Nick and Maria knocking at the door instead of you, your mom knew something was the matter.

It was like all the air was ripped from her lungs when they told her they had lost all contact with you after missing your last two check ins. Even Kate couldn't find you and she knew all your tricks.

So she sat or paced around your room at the compound waiting... more like hoping for you to walk through the door.

The team had tried to get her to eat, even Clint and Yelena, but nothing worked. She couldn't sit still and she couldn't let herself rest or eat until she knew her baby was safe. Both Clint and Yelena rotated in their turns spending time so Natasha wasn't alone.

However on one day back from a team meeting they both heard muffled sobs coming from your room. Nat had finally broke, the weight of everything finally cracking through the surface. It wasn't until Maria came in to find her wife on the floor sobbing did she finally break as well. Maria had tried to be the strong one, spending all her time searching for you while Clint and Yelena looked after Natasha. She had to bring you home to her. She sent you on that mission, so she had to bring you home. But when she had come back to find Nat on floor she couldn't leave her.

All they could do was hold her while she cried, the four of them stayed like that for hours before they finally got Natasha to eat and sleep.

That was until Nick started to come in. Both Clint and Yelena turned as if to scold him that he was there as they didn't want Nat to be woken up, Maria also on the verge of sleep having not slept for days, but startled awake once Nick walked in. But truthfully, Nat was out cold and a little talking wouldn't wake her, especially with what little sleep shes gotten.

"I'm only here to make sure she's ok" Nick said, "that you both are" he finished looking between both Nat and Maria. He wouldn't admit it, but one of the few soft spots he had was for your moms. He sat down quietly on the couch in your room so that they could talk while keeping an eye on Nat as she slept and Maria as she struggled to stay awake.

"This is the first time she's really eaten, or slept in weeks" Yelena said.

"I hate to say it but she's not ok, she's becoming a shell of person and I don't know how to help her" Maria said as she cuddled into her wife. "I sent her daughter... our daughter on that mission and if I sent her to her death I don't know what I'd do with myself" she said as she finally let a few tears slip from her eyes.

They sat in silence as the reality of what Maria said really sank in. That was until Nat started to toss and turn and whisper in her sleep. She startled awake and both Clint and Maria and to hold her in place to ground her into reality. Whereas Yelena got knocked off the bed.

"Nat... Nat you're ok, you're in the compound. You're safe" Clint started.

Tears welled up in her eyes before she got up and stormed out of the room. But not before turning around and saying "but she's not."

Clint, Yelena and Nick all went to get up and go after her. That was until Maria told them not to. That she would do it. However, Maria didn't do so until a good two hour later when she knew Nat had a chance to go to the gym, shower and then make her way up to the roof.

When Maria finally made her own way up to the roof the sun had just set and she could see Nat's outline in the moonlight. It also lit up the tear tracks that shown on her face, a clear indications that she had been crying.

As soon as she heard steps come towards her though, Nat tried to wipe her tears. Until Maria wrapped her arms around her and whispered "you don't have to hide from me my love" she said as she kissed the red heads forehead.

The two of them just sat there in silence, holding each others hand... Neither knowing what to say. They sat like that for a while until Nat felt Maria's hand subtly shaking and when looked over she could see the tear threatening to fall.

"Ria talk to me... you've spent the last week holed up in the meeting room and I've barely seen you. What's going through your head" Nat said softly and she cupped her cheek to get Maria to look at her.

Maria just shook her head and tried to turn away.

"Nope, don't hide from me" Nat pushed her wife. "I know you... I married you. So I know when something is wrong. Please, let me..."

"I SENT HER ON THAT MISSION AND NOW SHES MISSING" Maria yelled back at Nat. And when she realized she had yelled at her wife she started sobbing. In that moment Nat's heart broke, more than it already had at the thought of losing you.

The fact that she was so stuck in her own head about what was happening she never even stopped to think about her wife.

"Don't" Maria croaked at her. "It's not your responsibility to always think about me."

"You're right" Nat said. "But we are a team, and we go through things together. For better and for worse and instead of leaning on you I shut myself away and left you to deal with everything alone and I'm sorry... but please I'm here now and I know you've bottled it in this last week... please don't shut me out" Nat said with so much sincerity it almost shattered Maria's heart.

"I just... I sent her on what was supposed to be an easy mission. In and out. And then she missed her check ins and then Kate came back alone. I sent your daughter out there and now she may never come back... we may never get her back... and if we may never get her back will I lose you too..."

Nat didn't think her heart could break anymore and they've only been up on the roof for an hour. But here she was listening to her wife talk about everything she's been feeling this week and her biggest fear on top of losing you is that she's going to lose Nat too.

"Well first off my love, she's your daughter too. I thought we both made that abundantly clear when she asked you to adopt her as her wedding gift to you. And second of all you could never lose me. None of this is your fault and I don't blame you. I could never blame you for this" Nat said, and Maria searched her eyes for a long while trying to find any indication of a lie.

She was about to say something until her phone rang.

It was an unknown number.

She showed it to Nat before picking it up and putting it on speaker.

"........Mom" you said weakly as you coughed.

"Yeah baby" she said as her and Natasha exchanged a glance before taking off to the meeting room.

There was a really long pause and some yelling in the background before they heard a whispered
".....Can you still track my ring that goes off when I use my powers?"

Before she could answer she heard yelling, a lot of banging and a gunshot all before the line went dead all before they could make it to the meeting room. And when they finally did make it everyone stared at them as they were out of breath and staring at the phone.

"Well" Clint finally said.

Both Maria and Nat looked at each other before saying "we got something."

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