The Fugitive pt. 2

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Part two of the previous request.
Once again some warnings: Self harm, implied self harm and eating disorders.

Natasha sat frozen in her chair, not sure if she was more shocked at the irritated red lines on your wrists or the watch that you were wearing... she'd seen it before but couldn't remember from where. Before she could even get a word out about either, you were being injected with a sedative, how someone got to you so fast with it shocked her.

Was one of them always carrying it with them?

Had they been carrying it before you came?

All these thoughts raced through Nat's head as she tried to wrap her head around what really happened. Sure she had been wary of you like everyone else, but if you had a past like them surely you deserved a second chance. Especially if Nick trusted you enough to put you on this team.

When you finally started to come to, you startled awake to realize that you were no longer where you passed out. One moment you were at the table, the next you found yourself in an interrogation room with power blocking cuffs on.

Once again the panic you felt in that cell threatened to take over; however, you couldn't hide the shaking that well anymore.

While you didn't fully trust the team, you had grown to kind of understand that they were like odd pieces of a puzzle that fit together just perfectly to make a team, a family. And you had silently hoped to one day fit into that puzzle. To gain a family you never had.

As you sat there shaking in the chair you couldn't understand why you were there. All you knew is that one of the cuffs sat on your wrist just right that it reopened a freshly made cut that had just started to close.

You were so focused on the feeling that you didn't notice someone come in and start to make their way towards you. But as soon as you did you threw yourself out of the chair and against the wall in the corner. Curling in on yourself to protect you in any way possible.

You didn't know it but they had sent Clint in with food. He froze in his tracks when he saw the way you reacted. A reaction he knew far too well.

So he slowly set the food down where he stood and moved even slower as he made his way out of the room to try and not startle you any further.

He made his way back to the other side of the glass where Nat stood watching the whole interaction.

"Nat there's only two people I've seen act like... you and..."

"...Yelena" Nat finished Clint's sentence for him as she turned to look at him.

"You don't think she's one of us do you" she quietly asked Clint. She had known that almost all the widows were free and Yelena was working on the last few. Could it be possible that you were one of last ones Yelena was searching for.

Not realizing she got lost in her head she only came back when Clint nudged her. He looked at her concerned before saying "where did you go."

Nat hesitated before saying "I don't know... I keep getting more and more Deja Vu moments. Where I feel like I know her... like I know that watch from somewhere."

Nat sighed before making her way out the room with Clint in tow.

That's how the next few weeks went. The two would visit, take away the barely touched food and leave new food. Nothing seemed to be working, and the way you were going you'd end up dead in the cell.

Until one night you were humming an old Russian lullaby. You couldn't remember much from when you were captured, but this lullaby was the only thing that could calm you then and it's still one of the few things that calmed you.

Nat walked in and stopped dead in her tracks before whispering to FRIDAY to get yelena.

Yelena was about to ask Nat why she called her down there. That was until she heard the lullaby too.

"Nat is that...." Yelena whispered.

Nat could only nod. Neither of them have heard that lullaby from their time in red room. It hasn't been hummed by either of them since they hummed it to a little girl trapped in a cell at a base they were raiding for information on a new weapon.... A weapon that turned out to be a girl they brought back to the red room. Back to Dreykov. A girl they thought died in the red room along with so many others.

"I know where the watch is from" was all Nat said as she left the room, Yelena following hot on her footsteps.

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