Through the Door pt. 2

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As you and Maria slept in your room, Wanda, Nick and Yelena were franticly looking for Natasha. This was after Wanda explained to them that she thinks you saw where Natasha was and what was happening to her in your dream.

Wanda was using your memory of the dream to help her search for Natasha. The memory replaying over and over, and while she was worried about your powers, she had never been more thankful for them.

What seemed like days was actually only five hours before they got a ping on Natasha's location.

The team grabbed their gear and took off to the location while Nick went to get Maria. They needed her on coms so she could not only help the team, but also be prepared for if they found her so she could help you.

They found Natasha, but she wasn't in a good spot. Wounds littered her body and she was unconscious when Wanda and Yelena found her.

Both spent a good portion of the quinjet ride home briefing Maria on Nat's condition so that she could prepare you.

Maria made her way up to your room just as the quinjet was landing to let you know they had found your mom. She sat on your bed before gently waking you up.

"Sweetie I need you to sit up, I need to talk to you" Maria said, so you sat up and looked at her.

"We found your mom... she's alive, but she's severely hurt. I need to prepare you for what you're going to see."

"Maria... I've been where she is. Nothing can phase me, I just want to see my mom" you said.

Both of you made your way down to medbay to wait for your mom. Once you finally were allowed to see her, you never left her side. The team would often move you from the chair to the couch when they found you asleep.

Which is exactly how Natasha found you when she woke up. Maria, Yelena and Wanda all sat in chairs next to her with you sitting on couch having just woke up a few minutes prior.

When Nat's eyes finally focused she looked around the room and stopped at you. You went to get up, but as you did she asked Maria who you were.

You sat/half stood there frozen.

You willed the tears and emotions away, just as Nat had taught you and said "I'm a member of the team, I'm glad your ok Nat."

With that you made your way out of the room and finally let the tears fall as you slid down the wall to ground in the corner of the hallway.

Maria came rushing out after you and held you in her arms as you sobbed on the floor. Leaving Nat to ask Yelena and Wanda if you were important to her to make you this upset. While you thought you hid your emotions, deep down you could never hide them from Nat. Even if she didn't remember you, she still subconsciously knew when you were lying.

Yelena and Wanda also picked up on this. But they couldn't push too hard or too far as they didn't want to risk Nat never getting her memories back. But they worked with her everyday to slowly try and get her memories back.

But Natasha didn't see you for the rest of the week she was in medbay. You never really left your floor and Maria stayed with you while Yelena and Wanda rotated between you and Nat.

You were slowly breaking, even more so then when your mom was MIA.

When Nat was finally released from Medbay she still didn't know who you were, but she had fragments of memories with you. But Wanda and Yelena would never tell you that.

Why give you hope when Nat may only have fragments. Things got heated when Nat saw you training and recognized her own fighting style. And when she confronted you about it, you were at a loss at how to respond. So you just told her you had a great trainer and left.

That's when another memory fragment played in her head. She grabbed your wrist before asking "did I... did I train you?"

"Yes" was all you said before getting out of her grip and leaving the training room.

As the days and well weeks dragged on you were still holding out hope. Well until one night the whole team was sitting around after visiting Clint and his family and they had each started talking about the future and families they wanted.

It came to Nat's turn and she said that she would love to adopt a daughter some day since she couldn't have her own. She went on and on about how she would train her and teach he ballet and you sat there frozen and heart broken because in that moment you knew you would probably never have your mom back.

The teams gaze kept moving from Natasha to you as she continued to describe all the things she's already done with you and future things she'd love to do.

You tried your hardest to stop the tears. And when Nat finished you got up without a word and left.

Left the room.

Left the compound.



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