Through the Door

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You sat staring at the wall unmoved as you had been for almost two days now. You haven't moved since Uncle Nick and Aunt Maria had you told you that Natasha, your mom had gone missing on a mission.

When your mom said goodbye to you over a month ago she had promised to return. But two days ago when it was Nick and Maria knocking at the door instead of your mom you knew something was the matter.

It was like all the air was ripped from your lungs when they told you they had lost all contact with her after she missed her last two check ins. Even Clint couldn't find her and he knew all her tricks.

So you sat unmoved in your room at the compound waiting... more like hoping for her to walk through the door.

The team had tried to get you to eat, even Yelena, who was struggling herself even tried to get you to eat or move but she couldn't.

So she stayed with you, never wanting you to be alone. One day on her way back from running to her room she heard muffled sobs coming from your room. You had finally broke, the weight of everything finally cracking through the surface.

All she could do was hold you while you cry, and soon enough you were surrounded by both your aunts as well as Wanda who had just walked in with soup to see Maria and Yelena holding you. The three of you stayed like that for hours. They finally got you to eat something and sleep.

That was until Nick started to come in. The three women turned as if to scold him that he was there as they didn't want you to be woken up. But truthfully you were out cold and a little talking wouldn't wake you, especially with what little sleep you've gotten.

"I'm only here to make sure she's ok" Nick said. He wouldn't admit it, but one of the few soft spots he had was for you. He sat down quietly on the couch in your room so that they could talk while keeping an eye on you.

"This is the first time she's really eaten, or slept in weeks" Yelena said.

"I hate to say it but she's not ok, she's becoming a shell of person and I don't know how to help her" Maria said as she tucked hair behind your ear.

"Natasha would know what to do, how to help her and I'm afraid without her... I'm afraid she'll lose herself, or that we will lose her too" Wanda whispered the last part out.

They sat in silence as Maria stroked your hair, yelena held your hand and Wanda watched over all of you.

That was until you started to toss and turn and whisper in your sleep.


"No don't hurt her"

"Mama please, we have to go...please wake up"

The four adults sat frozen until you jerked up eyes glowing yellow did they move.

"Wanda" Yelena and Maria whispered at the same time.

"Does she have powers" yelena finished their thoughts.

"I can feel her magic... like how I can feel vision and the mind stone" Wanda said.

The yellow glow to your eyes subsided, but tears continued to stream down your face. You looked around the room to notice everyone staring at you.

Even with your thoughts as loud as they were, Wanda answered the question burning in your mind. "You had a nightmare sweetie... but when you woke up your eyes were glowing yellow like mine glow red when I use my magic."

You started laughing with tears streaming down your face. "Of course... of course the powers we thought I may, or may not have decide to show up WHEN SHES GONE" you screamed the last part as magic began to build in your fingers.

"Sweetie" Wanda started as she inches closer to you.

"Don't" you snarled out. "I can handle this."

You took a deep breath and the magic that was building in your finger tips disappeared. But the four people in the room stared at you in awe. Especially Wanda because it took her months to be able to force emotionally powered magic away.

"You have questions, so ask" you told the four people in your room as you went to sit on the bed and curl up next to Maria.

"How did you and Nat know you might have powers" yelena asked as she grabbed your hand to hold it, stroking her thumb over your knuckles.

"We knew that when I was younger I was experimented on but nothing showed from it. Which is why I got transferred from Hydra to the red room and back multiple times over before coming home to mom." You said.

"So Nat and I prepared just in case. Everything that she taught to Wanda about control she then taught to me. Just so if this happened, I would be prepared."

As you finished your answering Yelena's question, Wanda was next. Her question needed to be worded a specific way, but you didn't know this... that's because wanda had an ulterior motive behind it.

"Do you know what your powers could be" she asked.

"I assume pretty similar to yours as the mind stone was just one of the stones the used when experimenting. But they also used one other stone as well as different serums so I'm not entire sure" you finished.

"Did one of those the stones happen to be the reality stone" Wanda asked.

You looked at her and stared. Wondering how she knew that, how could she possibly know that.
As always your thoughts were so loud so Wanda could hear them.

Nervously Wanda answered the thoughts running through your mind without giving too much away. She didn't want to give you hope when she couldn't guarantee anything.

"I think that may be why your dreams are so vivid.... Because you were given the power to see, well reality."

And with that she ran out of the room. Leaving you confused, but the other adults caught on. Slowly Yelena and Nick got up to leave the room, to follow Wanda. Leaving Maria to stay with you.

Knowing your thoughts were running through worse case scenarios about what just happened she tried to ease your mind.

"They just went to continue working on finding your mom. I think Yelena is getting restless as she feels like she's not doing enough. That had nothing to do with you or your powers."

So you laid there with Maria as she tried to Lull you back to sleep as she tried to calm her own thoughts running through her mind. Not often would you find Maria scared. Scared for Nat and worrying if they'd find her in time. Scared for you and your new powers. Scared you feel alone, because you're far from it and she would do everything in her power to make sure you knew that.

God Maria was your godmother for god sake and she'd be damn if you ever felt alone again. She'd care for you as her own, hell with this line of work she basically already did. They all did. But what scared Maria the most was what would happen if Nat didn't make it back, especially when it came to you.

With all these worries running through her head it took Maria a while to focus back on reality. When she finally did she realized you had fallen back asleep.

"Don't worry baby, we'll find your mom" Maria whispered before falling asleep right next to you.

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