Alone in the Dark

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You were no stranger to darkness that surrounded you.  Locked in a cage, treated like an animal you haven't seen light in you don't remember how long, But between the red room and Hydra, the darkness was all you really knew. Which is why when your powers emerged after what felt like the hundredth experiment you weren't surprised when shadows became key to your powers.

You've been kept prisoner here for almost 6 months. Six months since you left the tower on what Fury said was a quick in and out mission. Six months since you left Natasha, promising her you'd come home safe. Now you didn't know if you'd make it another day.

Everything hurt, you're pretty sure the cut on you leg was infected but yet here the guards were. Ready to take you away for another round of experiments and testing.

You laid there, strapped to the table with an extremely bright surgical light on to stop you from using your powers. It felt like you were waiting for hours when you heard an explosion above you and what you thought were the thuds of bodies from the hallway.

Your vision was blurry when you were finally unrestrained and you fled to the shadowed parts of the room trembling as you waited for your vision to return to normal. It wasn't until you noticed a flash of red that you were able to focus.

It was Natasha. You had lost all hope they were coming for you, but seeing her made you doubt you weren't hallucinating. After coaxing you out of the shadows she was able to convince you she was real.

She was real and you weren't alone in the dark anymore.

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