What Do You Mean pt. 3

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*It appeared as though everyone was ok, until they got back to you to see Yelena on the ground and you standing in her place with a bullet wound in your abdomen.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, and Nat was the first to make it to you. Yelena was next after the shock that you pushed her out of the way wore off.

"We need to get her to the jet NOW" Natasha yelled as she put pressure on your wound.

"I'm almost at the rooftop, once they're taken care of we can move her" Tony yelled back as he was making his suit fly faster than it has in a while.

There was so much blood and Nat was doing everything in her power to slow it down. She noticed you starting to close your eyes, and begged you to keep them open. Tears brimmed all of your eyes at this point.

Nat took one hand off your wound to cup your cheek as her tears began to fall she said "I'm sorry.... I, I never should have said that to you. But I need you to stay awake and fight. Please. I can't loose you."

Before everything went black you remember saying "I had to save your sister."

What you didn't hear was Nat letting out a sob as she said your her sister too. The reality of the situation was finally seeping in and she was so worried you were going to die thinking you were alone. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally were able to move you to get you back to the tower.

Once they got you back to the tower there was some hope as Helen Cho, Bruce and Tony all worked to repair the damage the bullet did. They did everything they could, now all that was left to do was wait. Wait to see if/when you woke up.

Days had past and the only two constant people in your room was Natasha and Yelena. Everyone else would take turns coming to see and talk to you. You couldn't respond but you could hear everything.

You could hear them all apologize for treating you how they did, you could hear Wanda crying that she should have known and done more, you could hear it all.

The conversations that always surprised you were Natasha's and Yelena's. They first started off with Yelena comforting Nat because she was sure she would lose herself if something happened to you and you didn't make it. It then shifted to the things Yelena and Nat couldn't wait to do with you, their sister. To finally them talking about taking you to meet Alexi and Melina, because at the end of the day, their parents became yours too.

Almost two weeks past before you woke up. Nat was sitting next you watching a James Bond movie when all of a sudden she felt you squeeze her hand. She snapped her head around faster than humanly possible waiting to see if you were waking up.

Your eyes fluttered opened to see her sitting right next you holding your hand. She handed you a cup of water and you noticed the tears running down her face. You also signaled for the team to not enter because you know Nat never showed her emotions. How you did that without her noticing still surprises you.

You sat up slowly and before you could even ask her why she's crying, in a broken voice she said "I almost lost you." To which you responded "but you didn't I'm still here."

Nat looked at the floor before continuing "I said awful things to you that I don't even know why I said it."

"I know Nat," you responded "but just because you don't know why you said it, doesn't mean it didn't hurt." You looked away and whispered "did you mean it," You were so afraid of the answer and when Nat saw tears start to fall from your eyes her heart practically shattered.

"Oh baby no" she responded as she turned your face to look at her but you still couldn't meet her eyes. "You and Yelena are my family and I NEVER should have said that to you. I never should have thrown your past in your face like that. I know it's going to take time for you to forgive and trust me again, but I promise you, you're my family and I'm not going anywhere."

You finally looked her in the eye and said "ok", and she pulled you in for the tightest bear hug she could without hurting you.

"Do we get to do all the things you and Yelena talked about doing together" You shyly asked her. To which sure exclaimed "of course!"

While this conversation was happening you didn't notice Yelena sneak into the room to lean against the wall. "Does this mean I finally get to be a big sister baby spider" she asked.

You turned and nodded to her, loving that she called you baby spider.

Everything wouldn't be fixed between you and Nat overnight, but slowly and surely you began to trust her again. And you not only got your sister back, but you gained another and some more family members in Melina and Alexi who treated you as their third daughter.

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