Not One of the Boys pt. 3

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"детка (baby), open the door please" Natasha asked as she knocked on the door. After a solid minute she tried again, "come on baby, it's just me."

You were eerily quiet as she stood knocking on the door. You were never, ever that quiet which caused Nat to start to worry. But she wanted you to open the door, well until she heard what sounded like muffled sobs.

It was then she decided to override the lock on your door, and when FRIDAY finally unlocked it and she heard the little click indicating she could go in she rushed in. But she rushed in to a sight that broke her heart.

She came in to find you crouched in a corner with your hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs. You were crying so hard you were starting to hyperventilate.

She went to reach for you, but stopped dead in her tracks when you flinched. You've never flinched with her, and that's when she knew something was wrong.

"Baby breath, please I need you to breath" the desperation seeping into her words as she's never seen you cry this hard, but she could tell you were close the passing out.

In between sobs and gasps for breaths, the words that came next just about broke Nat's heart into a million pieces.

"Please... I can't.... Not again... I can't"

Nat once again tried getting close to you, and when you didn't flinch away she scooped you up and held you. She held onto you the way you wished Wanda would have when you needed her.

Something in the way she held onto you helped you ground yourself. To the point where you were able to admit to her what caused this state of panic.

"Please don't do this if you're just going to leave... I can't do it again" another sob threatened to rip through your chest as you said "I can't be alone again."

Nat pulled away from you slightly and started wiping your tears. "Oh sweet girl," she started. Staring into your eyes as she continued to wipe your tears.

"I know you don't believe this yet, but I'm not going anywhere. I know you don't trust this, but I will do everything in my power to show you how a mom is supposed to treat their daughter."

You gripped onto Nat so tight, scared that if you let go she'd disappear. But after a while, she felt your breathing even out and she pick you up and laid you both in bed. She fell asleep soon after, after making sure her daughter was all tucked in and safe.

When you woke up in the morning, Nat was gone. And you were worried that everything she said last night was just a dream.

So you slowly made your way downstairs to find Nat trying to cook. That was until walked up to her and pulled her into a hug, to which she didn't hesitate to reciprocate.

"Morning детка (baby)" she said as she stroked your hair.

"Morning" you muttered into her chest. Before she went back to making breakfast.

And this was how your mornings went for the next 8 months. For those 8 months you finally had someone to look out for you. You never thought you'd actually have a family, or heck even someone to call mama.

So when you made your way down for breakfast one morning you didn't even look before saying "morning mama"... but the second half of it died out when you realized Nat wasn't there. She was always there.

Instead you were met with Wanda and the boys.

"What were you saying?" Wanda asked.

"Nothing... umm have you seen Nat" you asked looking at the floor.

"Were you about to call Nat mama" Wanda asked as she stepped forward trying to get you to look at her as she tried to keep her own tears at bay.

When you didn't say anything, Wanda moved a little closer to you and tilted your face to look at her.

"It's ok" she whispered. "She gave you everything I couldn't, and she would love to your mama. While you don't trust me, please know that I will always be here for you" she paused but couldn't keep the tears at bay any longer. "I love you so much, and I'll always be your mom."

She wiped your cheeks before hugging you and kissing your forehead. It was the most at peace you've felt with the situation.

As you leave the room you head to the living room on your floor where you finally find Nat, having just returned from what looks like a mission.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here this morning" she says as she finishes braiding her hair. "I got sent on a quick mission and tried to get back before you woke up... did you eat?"

You just nodded at her and laid on the couch with your head on her lap, failing to notice the Manila envelope on the coffee table in front of you. While watching a movie together, Nat was stuck in an anxious state, until she felt you turn over. She looked down at you and as you resettled in her lap you muttered "I love you mama" before falling peacefully asleep.

"I love you too sweet girl" she whispered as she ran her fingers through your hair as you peacefully slept. All her anxieties and doubts melted away about asking you to be her daughter, forever. A question that you tearfully responded yes to after waking up from your nap to Nat still holding you.

You finally found your home and family in one person. Someone who for years to come would protect you and teach you to harness your powers, with Wanda's help.

But most importantly, you had a mama who loved you unconditionally, regardless of what life threw at the two of you.

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