Vapor pt. 2

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To say trust building was going slow was an understatement. While you were back to trusting Nat, you still didn't really trust the team or yourself.

You stuck close to Nat, but never close enough to touch her, afraid to hurt her. The same could be said about Wanda. While you had forgiven her for throwing you into a wall, in the back of your mind you were terrified of doing something else that would screw things up to where she would use her magic against you.

You were constantly living on the edge, walking on egg shells around everyone.

The team on the other hand, well things went back to "normal" for them. They hadn't seen the damage they had done to your trust towards them until a very heated argument happened during team dinner.

During dinner the team, aside from you and Nat were having a very heated argument. But once the voices started to raise it was if everything was muffled. Panic starting to rise as you got thrown back into when you hurt Nat and your past.

Nat could sense your panic and grabbed your hand to help ground you. It was working until someone yelled and then slammed their fist down on the table.

Next they knew you were cowering in the corner by the table, arms raised to block your face, apologizing and asking them not to hurt you. In that moment the whole team paled. The reality of how they reacted when you accidentally hurt Nat setting in.

"Kid..." Steve said and tried to get closer to you.

"No, no please I'm sorry" you cried out and you sat there trembling. Stuck in a flashback from that day.

Wanda could feel the regret coming off the team and hear their thoughts. You were just a kid, well kinda. You were Wanda's age and still learning to control your powers. They shouldn't have treated you like the enemy when you were just scared. You were supposed to be a member of the team, and instead they iced you out to the point you were this terrified of them and messing up. So the team sat there, frozen in place. Even Nat had a hard time getting close to you as you were stuck saying "I don't want to hurt you" while looking down at your shaking hands.

You were starting to hyperventilate and at that Nat went against all her instincts to leave you alone because that's what you wanted and pulled you into her arms.

You tried to get away from her. You could barely tell her you were afraid to hurt her through shaky breaths as you tried to slow your breathing. But it wasn't working. Nat kept whispering in your ear that you were ok, that you were safe and that you weren't going to hurt her.

You were finally able to realize you were in the dining room and when you finally relaxed in Nat's arms your breathing started to even out and your cries died down to sniffles. It was then you tried to pull away from Nat.

"You could never hurt me" she said as she brought your hands to her face and kissed them. Before pulling you back into a hug. You then looked around to realize that only you and Nat were left in the room.

"I don't understand" you whispered to Nat.

"Hmm" Nat said as she sat in your spot on the floor holding you.

You pulled back a little and started playing with the hen of your shirt before saying "I don't understand how you're not afraid of me... how your not afraid I'm going to hurt you." Tears welled up in your eyes. No one has ever cared for you like Nat has. You grew up with love as a weakness, with almost every emotion beaten out of you. That love could only hurt you in the end.

But Nat (and Clint) have shown you what it means to have a family. But you were still so shocked on why she wasn't afraid of you or your powers.

You thought you had done a good job of hiding your tears brimming your eyes. That was until Nat had wiped the stray couple of tears away as she turned you to look at her.

"I could never be afraid of you. When I first met you I saw a piece of Yelena in you. And I knew I had to protect you. But I also knew that I needed to show you that love, well love can't hurt you when you have a family who loves you unconditionally."

She took a deep breath as tears of her own starting forming "so no... I could never be afraid of you, or your powers. You're the same person I've known for years. The same person who works just as hard as I do to clear the red out of their ledger. You're my family, and I love you with everything I have in me..... please don't ever doubt that. We will figure your powers out, together. Ok?"

You nodded at her before pulling her into the tightest hug she's ever had. "Thank you for being my family Nat.... For always having my back and showing me that love, well emotions in general aren't a weakness."

A whispered "I love you too Nat" could be heard just loud enough for Nat to hear.

Nat kissed your forehead before the two of you stood up to see Clint and Wanda standing across the room with tears of their own in their eyes. Both respectively pulling you into hugs. You grabbed both of their hands before thanking them for being a part of your family.

One by one the team apologized and worked to earn your trust and slowly but surely you gained control of your powers. You were so thankful for this chosen family, and for those who have stood by your side since day one. But more importantly, you were thankful for your best friend and sister, who despite all odds showed you more love than you ever dreamed possible.

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