Through the Door *remixed* pt. 2

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"We've got something" both Maria and Nat said at the same time and with that the entire team got to work.

They worked for days to set up the tracker attacked to your ring and then they waited... and waited for you to use your powers. And they swear they imagined the call. Until they got a ping early one morning and it was off the charts. Your powers had never been that strong and it worried your moms, but they could worry about that later.

The both of them sat zoning out during the mission briefing, completely missing the fact that they would not be coming in the mission to get you back.

"Romanoff. Hill. Got it?" Tony asked.

Both looked at him and Clint smirked. When Tony finally repeated himself both women lost it, but lost the fight when they realized it was what was going to be what was best for their daughter.

So they sat in the conference room staring at the door waiting for you to come back through the door.

They waited. And they waited. Until the waiting and silence almost became unbearable.

"Ria" a shaky and almost undetectable whisper came from Nat.

"Yes love" she said, as she turned to look at her as her wife's grip became uncomfortably tight in her hand.

"I'm scared" and all Maria could was mutter a "me too" as she pushed a stray piece of red hair behind her wife's ear and kissed her forehead. Lingering there before sighing and pulling away, lost in her own thoughts. Because in all her years of knowing Natasha Romanoff she had never once known her to actually admit that she was scared. She knew that Nat had gotten scared on a few of their close calls, but Nat had never actually admitted it to her.

They were broken from their silence and their spiral when Steve came in holding your limp body. God there were so many bruises and cuts all Maria and Natasha could do was stare.

They were frozen in their seats. Their little girl was so battered and bruised they knew nothing would be the same after this. They could only hope that they would be enough to get you through this.

When the two of them finally broke from their thoughts, they got up and sprinted to medbay and watched as Cho and her team of doctors worked to fixed you up. Both Maria and Nat's hearts stopped when your own flatlined for a minute but thankfully they were able to get you back.

Both were finally able to breath again once they had gotten news that you were stable and that they were just waiting on you to wake up. And they sat by your side for weeks. The team had to practically drag them away to shower and the medical staff had beds brought in for them to sleep in. But neither of them slept in them, they opted for chairs on either side of you so they could each hold your hand.

While neither would admit it to the other, both of them were starting to lose hope, and Maria was terrified. Nat could reassure all she wanted that Maria would never lose her. But Maria would still blame herself for this, and losing Nat on top of you was still her biggest fear and worry.

Which is why Maria didn't even notice Nat get up and leave to go take a walk and shower. She need fresh air and space. Something that Wanda and Yelena both had to convince her to do. She didn't even notice the twitches of your hand in her own until soft whimpers started to come you.

You were squeezing her hand so tight and calling out for her and Nat, while it was only a whisper it was enough to make her cry. She frantically asked Friday to get Natasha, and quick.

"Come back to me baby, I'm right here. Mom's here" Maria said as she stroked your face trying to wake you. She just kept repeating herself until Nat ran in the door.

"What's happening" Nat said as she sat on the other side of your bed picking up your hand and running her hand through your hair.

"Mom... mama" you said as your eyes fluttered opened.

"Hi baby" they both said as they went to wipe away the tears falling from your face. That was until you flinched away. All you could see was a hand coming at your face, "no please no more" you whimpered. Not realizing that the hand was your mama's. When you didn't know where you were is when Nat had Friday get the medical team and Wanda. 

Your eyes were open but you kept calling out for your moms. You rotated between calling out for them, asking for them not to hurt you, and asking for them not hurt your moms. Your moms didn't think their hearts could shatter anymore, but they did at the sight of you.

The medical team couldn't figure out what was wrong, until Wanda let them all know you were trapped in your own mind. Trapped wherever you held and trapped in whatever torture you were going through. And Wanda knew your moms would never ask her to go through your head, even with your consent she'd never do it. She had full access, she knew that... they didn't, which is why she offered to go in and pull you out.

They were hesitant, which didn't surprise her. But not just because they were worried about you. But they cared for the young witch too. "Wanda" Nat started. "We don't want you to do something that would not only make you uncomfortable, but jeopardize your relationship with her" Nat said softly.

"It's ok" Wanda said. "When we first became friends and was terrified of powers she wanted me to know that not everyone was scared of them. That someone trusted me... trusted my powers. So we practiced and practiced and she was always there. She showed up. She showed me what friendship was and that I could rely on her when I was at my lowest. She trusted me when I didn't even trust myself" Wanda paused to wipe some tears away.

"She gave me permission to always have access to her mind. Whenever. Wherever. No questions asked. There's only one person she'd trust to do this and that's me... I have to do this. For her... I have to get her back" her voice broke as she looked up at your moms as they grabbed Wanda's hand with their open one.

"Ok then" Maria breathed out. "What do you need" she asked looking at Wanda.

Wanda moved her hands from your moms and picked at her sleeves nervously. This part of her powers made her nervous. But only because she was terrified of hurting you or making it worse.

"Once I start don't let go of her hands and don't pull me out. You can touch me to ground me but please don't pull me out what ever happens. I can do this, I promise."

Maria and Nat exchanged a nervous glance before nodding. "Ok, let's get started" Wanda said.

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