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All your life you had never known physical touch. Every touch that you had ever experienced had been to harm you. So to say coming to the tower was a culture shock.

Everyone on the team was so... touchy. You were introduced to Tony, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Natasha and Carol. Everyone else was on a mission or vacation. The minute you were introduced they tried to either hug you or shake your hand; they all approached at once.

You began to panic and with Steve and Tony the first to make it to you with their hands raised you flinched back assuming they were about to hit you.

They froze.

And you, well you began to panic.

Carol and Natasha immediately picked up on this and ushered everyone out. Once everyone had left you could visibly see the tension and anxiety leave your body.

You were picking at your fingers when you muttered an almost silent apology to the blonde and redhead.

"Sweetie you don't have to apologize" Nat said to you. "I know where you were had used touch against you but I promise no one here is going to hurt you. Except maybe Thor because his hugs always feel like they're going to crush my bones" Nat said as she chuckled.

You also chuckled which made the two avengers smile.

"Would you like us to show you to your room" Carol asked before you nodded your head and followed the two out.

You ended up in between the two as you walked next to them feeling a sort of comfort with them.

As time went on you began to trust them even more. You soon began to play with Nat's, Carol's or Wanda's fingers when you were anxious and you allowed them to sit close to you. But it was never more than that.

Until one afternoon.

Something had triggered a horrible panic attack and the only one left in the compound was Nat. In between labored breaths you were able to ask FRIDAY where Nat was.

That's how you found yourself barging into the training room, hyperventilating with tears running down your face.

Before Nat could even ask you what happened or what was wrong, she was pulled into one of the tightest hugs she's ever had. And she didn't hesitate to hug you back, running her hand up and down your back trying to get you to breath normally. And when that didn't work she knew she needed to act fast to slow your breathing before you passed out.

"I need you to following my breathing ok? In and out" she exaggerated her breathing until you followed along.

What you didn't see was Wanda and Carol about to run into the training room but stopped dead in their tracks when they not only realized that you were hugging Nat, but when they received a glare from Nat as to say not to enter. So they stood at the door watching the interaction.

After a few minutes your breathing returned to normal but you started to over think and your thoughts became really loud... loud enough for Wanda to hear.

"Nat she's overthinking coming to you and about to panic because she thinks she bothered you" Wanda said into her mind.

"Hey" Nat said, pulling away slightly and turning your head to look at her. "Thank you for trusting me enough to come to me. I don't care what time of day it is or what I'm doing, but I'm here for you... always" Natasha said.

You look at her, so confused as you had never met anyone who was so willing to look out for you. "Really" you asked, "I'm not bothering you?"

"Sweetie you could never bother me. I know how brave it was for you to come in here and hug me. Especially with your past with physical touch"

Natasha pulled you back into a hug leaving enough space for you to move if you wanted but you melted back into her as she said

"But no matter what I'll always be here for you. And I'm going to do everything in my power to show you that when people love you, especially your family, physical touch like a hug or holding my hand should never hurt you. Ever."

"Thank you" you whispered out.

You both started to walk out the gym finding Wanda and Carol in the hall. When you stopped, Natasha stopped with you. A little confused until you turned to Wanda and asked her if you could hug her before turning and doing the same to Carol.

Everyone smiling from ear to ear finally having gained your full trust. From that day one hugs became a normal occurrence, and finally you trusted the team enough to hug them too... and man you shocked the hell out of everyone when one night right before movie night you gave single one of them a hug before sitting down on the couch in between Nat and Wanda.

While you grew up knowing nothing but pain, but from the moment you joined them, your new family in had shown you nothing but love.

Proving that not everything is harmful, and that a family is built on love and trust. And you could never be more thankful for the family you now have, especially for Carol, Wanda and Nat who have been by your side since day one.

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