Arc 1 Chapter 2: Class introductions

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"Listen up everyone. My name is Ryuuen Kakeru, and I am the leader of class 1-C."
The magenta haired student, Ryuuen Kakeru, was standing at the teachers podium. He had his hands locked around the edges of the podium. I wonder, was he trying to intimidate us, or was he being purely pretentious?
"Starting today, I am going to be your leader. Therefore, you're all going to introduce yourselves so I know your strengths and weaknesses." Ryuuen was about to gesture at a shy girl in the front left corner, who looked positively terrified of Ryuuen, but it seemed that someone didn't agree with this.
"Umm dude what the fuck? Why do we need a leader. Most of all, why do we need you as a leader?" A green haired, well built boy had stood up in protest. I think he didn't like Ryuuen's attitude more than anything.
"Hm I would have wished to start in a specific order, but sure, I can take volunteers. What's your name, green-kun?" Ryuuen asked, apparently amused at the situation.
"It's none of your business. I'm leaving!" With that, green-kun started to pack his bags and was about to leave.
"Wait." A quiet and dangerous tone came from Ryuuen.
"I don't have to wait for you." Green-kun was about to walk out the door, but Ryuuen grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him back to the centre of the room.
"I'm going to ask you again: what. Is. Your. Name?" Ryuuen's expression was bordering on psychotic. Green-kun didn't look too scared. You could tell he'd been in fights before.
"Not gonna tell me? Kukuku sorry about this." Ryuuen started to raise his fist.
All eyes in the classroom had turned to the voice that spoke. It was the black boy, I think I saw on his desk his name was Albert.
"You shouldn't be so quick to use violence." Albert said.
"Kukuku you're a monstrous specimen. Unfortunately I can't understand a word you're saying." Ryuuen chuckled. It was true, Albert was speaking English. This meant that only a few people could understand him, me and Shiina included.
"And, since I can't understand what you're saying, your opinion is irrelevant." With those words, Ryuuen punched green-kun in the stomach. Albert was about to intervene to stop green-kun receiving any more injuries.
"Stop, Albert." I said, in perfect English.
Albert, surprised I could speak his language, looked confused.
"Why should I stop? He's gonna hurt that kid." Albert obviously didn't like violence. A strange quality from one so muscular.
"Ryuuen is right. Green-kun, you should introduce yourself before you receive any further injuries." I said, trying to calm down the situation.
"M-my name is... Ishizaki Daichi." Ishizaki said, wincing in pain.
"Kuku that wasn't so hard, was it?" Ryuuen grinned in the defeated Ishizaki's face.
"Now, unless you all want to end up like poor Ishizaki here, we're going to go around and introduce each other. You all got that?" Ryuuen asked. The entire class nodded, almost in unison.
This is what I had been preparing for. How should I introduce myself? I had already made myself stand out by intervening between Albert and Ryuuen. What should I say when my turn came? Should I make a joke? Should I go into it with really high energy in order to get some laughs? No, that wouldn't work, not with the current tension in the room. Besides, it didn't fit my personality.
"Well then. Last, but certainly not least. Average-kun, introduce yourself."
As Ryuuen looked at me expectantly, students turned, waiting for my introduction.
Clack! The chair rattled as I stood.
"I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I am physically strong, and mentally able, but I'm not anything special. It's good to meet you all."
I sat down, and instinctively cringed inside. I hadn't had time to construct a proper introduction because I'd been too busy daydreaming. It could have been worse, however.
"Kukuku well, it's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun. I hope we get to know each other better in the future. Let's both do our best, ok?" Ryuuen said, with a devilish smile.

After that, most students headed toward the dormitories. Some, however, made their way to cafés, and others went out for karaoke. On a whim, I decided to swing by the nearest convenience store on my way back to the dormitory. I went alone, as Shiina and Ibuki both said they wanted to go to their dorms.
"My, what a coincidence."
Entering the convenience store, I ran in to the black haired girl who I'd met earlier.
"Yes, what a surprise. Forgive me, but I never told you my name. I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. What's your name?" I asked, in hopes of gaining another friend.
"You're rather eager on trying to introduce yourself, don't you think? Anyway, my name is Horikita Suzune. Not that we will probably need to interact much over the next 3 years. We're in different classes after all." She came across as trying to push me away.
"Come on, there's no need to be so hostile. Anyway, did you need to buy something?" I asked.
"Yes, just a few things. I came to get some necessities."
There was no shortage of things you needed when starting life in a dorm, especially if you were a girl. Horikita took various necessities like shampoo off the shelves and promptly threw them into the basket she was carrying. I'd thought she would choose higher quality items, but she only took the cheapest options. Did she also suspect that the 100,000 yen allowance seemed to be too much? I decided to inquire.
"I thought girls usually made a fuss over what kind of shampoo they bought."
"Well that depends on the person, doesn't it? I'm the sort who doesn't know when you might need money," she replied. Perhaps she had picked up on the hints her teacher gave in the introductory speech, or maybe she was just frugal.
(Pretty much everything next is the same as the ln so timeskip)
"Hey, shut it! Just wait a sec! I'm looking for it right now!"
A sudden loud voice drowned out the store's peaceful background music.
"Come on, hurry up. You have a line of people waiting on you!"
"Oh yeah? Well, if they have any complaints, they can take it up with me!"
Apparently, trouble was brewing by the register. A dispute had broken out between two young men who were glaring at each other. I recognised the one with the thoroughly Ill tempered look on his face. It was the student from class 1-D, the guy with red hair. He had his hands full of noodle cups.
"What's going on here?" I asked.
"Huh, who are you?"
I had meant to appear amicable, but the guy with the red hair scowled at me. Apparently, he was under the impression that I was an enemy.
"My name's Ayanokouji. I'm from class 1-C. I just asked because it sounded like there was trouble."
At my explanation, the red-haired guy looked somewhat confused.
"So... what does me forgetting my student ID have to do with you?" He asked, starting to get a little bit angrier.
"Well, I wanted to purchase my things and go, but with you holding up the line, I'm not able to," I responded, annoyed.
"Well, you don't have to worry about that, I'm leaving!" The boy almost shouted as he was about to walk out.
"Sudou, wait. I'll pay for you." A plain boy with blond hair swooped in to save the red haired boy, apparently called Sudou.
"Oh, thanks Ike. I promise I'll pay you back later. See Ayanokoui, that's what people do, they help others in distress." Sudou was cocky now that he had been saved by his friend, Ike.
There were sighs of relief now that the line was moving again.
"Hm. I half expected you to pay for that boy." Horikita remarked.
"It would have been a waste of points." I replied.
"Anyway, let's finish our shopping. We'll be a bother to the other students if we dawdle," she said.
Wrapping things up, we presented our student ID cards to the machine by the register. Since we didn't have to deal with small change, our transaction was speedy.
After paying and exiting the store, I found Sudou seated outside, starting to eat his noodle cup, with Ike next to him.
"Are you really going to eat here?" I asked him.
"Of course. It's just common sense."
Sudou perplexed me with his matter-of-fact reply. Horikita sighed in exasperation.
"I'm going back. I'll be stripped of my dignity if I spend any more time here," she said
"What do you mean, 'dignity'? We're just high school students. We're ordinary. Or, what, are you the highborn daughter of some noble family or something?"
Horikita didn't flinch at Sudou's harsh words. Seemingly irritated, Sudou set his noodle cup on the ground and stood.
"Woah there Sudou. I don't think Horikita meant to insult you. I think she just doesn't want to be around a delinquent like you." I said, trying to see how Sudou would react. If he reacted violently, I could subdue him. But I wanted to see if he could keep a level head.
"What the hell is you're deal you two? You're so bratty, both of you." Sudou was obviously angry, but at least his fists weren't flying.
"You're right. I'm very sorry, Sudou." I did a mocking bow in false apology. Luckily, Sudou took it as genuine.
"Ah whatever." Sudou continued to glare at me. He grabbed his noodle cup once again, ripped off the cover, and began eating. Just a little while ago, he'd fought in front of the register too. He really had a short fuse.
"Hey, you guys first years? This is our spot."
As Sudou slurped his ramen, three boys called out to us. They seemed to have come out of the same store and were carrying the same brand of noodle cups.
"Oh for fuck's sake. Can you people gimme a break? I just want to eat my ramen. Get lost." Sudou said. He looked pissed.
"You hear this guy?'Get lost', he says. What a cocky little first year punk."
The three laughed in Sudou's face. Sudou shot up, slamming his noodle cup against the ground. The broth and noodles splashed everywhere.
"'First year punk', huh? You trying to make fun of me, huh?!"
Sudou had an extremely short fuse. If I had to judge, he seemed like the type to immediately threaten anyone or anything that crossed him.
"You're awfully mouthy, considering we're second year students. We already put our bags here, see?"
With those words, the second year upperclassmen students put down their bags and guffawed loudly.
"See, our stuff's here. Now, beat it," one of them said.
"You got a lot of guts, asshole."
Sudou was at boiling point, unfazed by being outnumbered. It looked like fists were going to fly at any moment.
"Oh wow, scary. What class are you in? Well, never mind. I think I know. You're in class D, aren't you?"
"Yeah, so what?"
Why does it matter what class he's in. And how do they know which class he's in. Was my hypothesis correct? Does the school put less able students in class D?
The upperclassmen students exchanged glances and burst into laughter.
"You hear that? He's in class D! I knew it! It was a dead giveaway!"
"What do you mean by that? How can you tell he's in class D? Because he's stupid and irrational. Does that mean the school placed him in class D for these reasons? Is he in class D because he's defective?" I asked, deciding to find out once and for all.
"Hey! I'm not stupid," shouted Sudou in protest.
The three upperclassmen students froze.
"W-what are you talking about, we never said class D are defectives," one of the boys said nervously.
"I'm willing to bet the school doesn't allow you to talk about how the classes are arranged, does it?" I asked, seeing how far I could push them.
"N-no it doesn't." One of them replied.
"I see then. Well, if you don't want me to tell the school, each of you are going to give me 25,000 points."

Unknown pov
I could see the commotion happening with those idiots from class 2-C and the 2 first year boys. It didn't seem interesting, so I just walked past, until I heard that dull looking boy speak.
"Is he in class D because he's defective?"
Interesting. Obviously the older boys had let something slip, but it seems that the younger boy was just trying to confirm a theory he had. He was trying to figure out the s system, even on his very first day. Perhaps he had already figured it out. I saw the boys take out their phones, and it looked as though the older boys were transferring points to the younger boy who had made the observation. He was already scamming points off of people. Finally, someone interesting.
"Ah, kouhai-kun. Perhaps you can entertain me." I whispered, smirking.

Authors notes
2066 words
Author-san here. Wow, people actually read my fic? I'm so happy that you're enjoying it.

So Ayanokouji is finding out more about s system, and Ryuuen is starting to dominate the class. We also got a snippet of a
new character (I wonder who it could be 😏)
What will happen next chapter I wonder?
Not much else to say really.
If anyone knows how to add text to speech to the story that would be amazing 🙇.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading ☺️.

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