Arc 7 chapter 3: Padoru padoru

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I was sitting at my desk in my room. I looked out my window.

It was snowing.

It was December 25th, and no one had talked to me for the entire day. I thought Christmas was supposed to be when friends got together.

I could hear a small party happening next door. I wish that my friends had invited me to something.

I had thought about buying some food and drinks and inviting over a few friends, but I thought I would look a bit desperate.

Just then, I received a text message from Ryuuen.

Hey, can you come to my room? I need to talk to you about school stuff (point balances etc.)

So. It was Christmas, and all my friend could think to tell me was that we needed to do some accounting? Bullshit.

Sure, I'll be there right away.

Even if I thought it was bullshit, it didn't justify turning him down. If he was asking me, it was probably important.

I made my way to Ryuuen's room.

When I got there, I knocked on the door.

"It's open," I heard him say.

I opened the door. It was pitch black.

"Ryuuen? What did you want to talk about? And why are the lights off?" I said, turning on the light switch.


I jumped, startled.

Everyone was here: Ryuuen, Shiina, Ibuki, Albert, Fuka and Honami. There was a big banner that said: merry Christmas, Ayanokouji.

Ryuuen's table was laden with an assortment of European/American traditional Christmas dishes: a roast turkey, those little sausages wrapped in bacon, and other delicious foodstuffs.

"Hey guys? What are you all doing here?" I asked.

"Well. We know that your family never celebrated Christmas. So we decided to throw you the best Christmas party ever!" Shiina said.

A complex wave of emotions welled up inside of me.

" guys..." I said.

"C'mon, let's eat. I'm starving!" Ryuuen said.

We sat down and ate Christmas dinner together. I looked at everyone sitting at my table. This would be one of my fondest memories of this school.

I would never forget it.

Unknown POV

"P-please...don't k-kill me..." he said.

I had taken out the 2 guys he hired to protect him once he figured out he'd been discovered.

"Hmm...a journalist who dug a little too deep, eh...that's a funny story..." I said, wiping the blood from my cheek, and licking it from my finger.

"P-please...I have a family..." he pleaded.

"You should have thought of that before you stuck your nose where it didn't belong," I said, driving my knife through his throat.

He gurgled and croaked, and blood came bubbling from the wound I created in his neck.

It took him a good 20 seconds to die. I made sure to maintain eye contact with him the entire time.

Once he'd stopped convulsing, I called Akito-sensei.

"I managed to get rid of that pest problem," I said.

"Good. The boss doesn't like vermin running around. Come downstairs, I'll pick you up," he said.

I was on the rooftop of a building in Tokyo. The man I had just killed was a journalist who was prying into government affairs, and stumbled across the white room. I was called to silence him.

I realised that today was the first time I had killed someone. Sure, I had attempted to kill Ayanokouji a few months back, but I hadn't succeeded.

I felt something on top of my head. When I looked up, I saw that it was snowing.

How long had it been since I left ANHS? I suppose it must be winter now. It didn't feel like that long. This time last year, I was celebrating Christmas at the orphanage. It was horrible, to be sure, but it was still Christmas. It was completely different to how I'd spent this Christmas: killing an innocent man.

A single snowflake fell under my eye, and creeped down my cheek. I stuck my tongue out to catch it, and recoiled at it's salty taste. It wasn't a snowflake: it was a tear.

My phone buzzed.

"What are you doing? Get down here," Akito-sensei said, gruffly.

"Yes, sensei. I'll be right down," I answered, about to go down the stairs.

Before I did, however, something caught my eye. I looked out to the sea, and I saw an artificial island: the campus of ANHS. A mix of anger and resentment welled up inside of me. I could just imagine Ayanokouji now.

"Hahaha, it was 4 vs 1, and you still couldn't kill me? How pathetic," he said.


"What was that? You'll have to speak up, I'm afraid. The Christmas party I'm having is just so wild, I can't hear you, hahaha,"


I turned around to face the voice, but there was no one there.

I pinched my cheek, and went downstairs.

"You took your sweet time," Akito-sensei said.

"Yeah...sorry about that," I apologised.

We walked back to the car. On the way, I saw a couple. The man had just proposed to the woman. They looked so happy.

They should just die.

I saw a family of a father, a mother and their daughter. The daughter was holding both of their hands, and the parents were carrying a large amount of shopping, probably Christmas presents.

They should all just die.

When we walked past an ally, I saw a girl, no older than me, eating scraps from a restaurant dumpster. I could see a small, dirty mattress nearby, which is probably where she would be spending the night.

"I wish they would just die," I said.

"What makes you say that?" Asked Akito-sensei.

"Everyone looks so happy. Why can't I be happy, and normal?" I asked.

"Hmm...who says you can't be happy?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Just because you've spent your Christmas killing an innocent man, doesn't mean you can't still be happy. Take that girl over there, for example: she's homeless, and eating food that isn't really healthy to consume, but you can still see that she's happy," he argued.

He was right. I didn't need to be angry or upset. So what if I killed a guy, it was what I enjoyed doing, anyway.

Wasn't it?

Authors notes
1055 words.
Padoru Padoru
Hope you all enjoyed

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