Arc 10.5 chapter 1: putting the pieces in place

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It was strange.

The girl in front of me had scheduled a meeting between us. I would never have thought she would ever want to speak to me in a non-hostile setting.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"I want to return Ayanokouji-kun to the white room," she said.

I was shocked. I'd have thought that she of all people wouldn't want him returned to the white room.

"Why?" I asked.

"Putting my personal feelings aside, I also want Japan to become a better nation. Getting Ayanokouji-kun back to where he belongs would be a great help with that," she reasoned.

"Well, I'm certainly glad that you have offered to help me, but I'm simply afraid I can't trust you. You're far too dangerous to be trusted," I said.

"I understand, acting director. How about I tell you that the only fact you managed to get away with what you did at the winter training camp was by me making sure no students came by?" She said.

That was interesting. Sure, we hadn't been detected by any students or teachers, but did she really help us? I couldn't make sense of it.

"I see you're still apprehensive. My reason for wanting to help you is because my family owns a rather sizeable business conglomerate. I want those companies to grow even more, and I believe that using Ayanokouji is the best way to do it," she said.

I mulled the decision over in my head. She did sound genuine, after all.

"Fine. If I need your help with anything, I will call upon you. But if you're thinking of betraying me...I will be sure to have you executed," I said.

" don't need to worry about that, acting director," she said, standing up to leave.

"I look forward to working with you, acting director," she said as she walked through the door.

If she did betray me, it wouldn't be all that hard to get her expelled. She was strong, to be sure, but she was also a wild card. Nobody in her class would fork over the 20 million needed to overturn her expulsion.

Kushida pov

I didn't trust her one bit.

If there's one thing I knew about her, she never wanted to go along with other peoples plans.

I decided to follow her. I'd have thought she'd be heading back to the dormitories at this hour, which is why I was surprised to find that she was walking towards the docks. Perhaps that was where she was meeting Kiyotaka?

It was quite dark now, and the street lights around us were the only things illuminating our surroundings.

Amidst the silence, I heard the low grumble of a Diesel engine, coming from the sea. A boat?

Yes, it was a boat. She waved to the boat, and it stopped in front of her.

"We've brought what you asked for, miss," said one of the men on the boat, handing her a box.

"Thank you. Could you take a message back to my father for me? Tell him: we are taking the masterpiece for ourselves," she said.

I knew it. She had never planned to work with us from the start. But, unlike what I thought, she was going rogue, helping neither us or Kiyotaka. Very strange indeed. I never trusted her, even back when I was a student here.

"Right you are, miss. Come on boys, we're heading out," said the man who had handed her the box, and the boat headed out, back to wherever it came from.

This was valuable information. I would be able to use this.

Now, the war within the school had 5 factions: Kiyotaka and class A, along with their allies, class C. There was the faction lead by Sakayanagi, consisting of class A, Kanzaki, Kouenji, Nagumo and myself, who either wanted to defeat Kiyotaka or, in my case, kill him. There was class D, lead by Horikita, who wanted to de-escalate the violence. There was Akito and the first-year bounty hunters, who would be coming in next month, who worked on behalf of the white room. Even though I officially belonged to this faction, I followed my own agenda. And now, there was this girl. She had the backing of a large company, who I assumed wanted to use Kiyotaka in order to make themselves richer.

Akito's plan would soon come to fruition. He had been preparing everything very meticulously. It was almost frightening to see his plan evolve.

Now that there were so many strong players on the board, Akito's plan would probably engulf the entire campus.

Authors notes
778 words
Again, a shorter chapter.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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