Arc 9 chapter 2: Nii-san, give me money!

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This was bad. Really bad.

We had almost enough points, but we still needed about 3 million before I could save the class.

I considered asking president Nagumo, but thought better of it. Nii-san had told me that Nagumo had something to do with him being stabbed. I didn't want to believe it, but there was doubt in my mind about going to Nagumo.

It would be best to ask Nii-san, or perhaps Ryuuen. I didn't want Kiyotaka to give me points just because I was his sister, but I also didn't think I could get them by going to Ryuuen.

I called Nii-san.

"Hey, Kiyotaka," I said.

"Oh, hey Honami. What's up?" He asked.

"I, uh...I wanted to talk about the special exam."

"Let me guess: you want enough points to prevent the expulsion of a classmate?"

He had a great intuition.

"Yes..." I said, quietly.

"Sure, how much do you need?"

I was shocked. I didn't think he'd agree so easily.

"We have 17,274,624 points, and I think the rest of the class has about 800,000 of their own points," I said.

"Okay. Sure, I can spare that, but you'll have to pay me back."

"Of course. I wouldn't want to just take your points without paying them back."

"Great. I'll have Ryuuen transfer them to you now."

It was as easy as that, huh.

I wondered what else he would do for me.

A few minutes later, the balance on my phone read 20,000,000 private points exactly.

Extraordinary. I wouldn't have thought any other class in the grade had the funds to give away nearly 3 million points.

I made a mental note to also thank Ryuuen when I next saw him.

Just then, Nii-san called me again.

"There's also just one other thing you need to do for me."

Unknown POV

"So that's it then? We push as many criticism votes as we can on Ayanokouji-kun?" One of my friends asked.

"Yes. I know that he's done good things for your class, raising you all the way to class A, but do you really need him any more? I would think that Ryuuen-kun is enough to maintain class A's position now, wouldn't you? And, for each criticism cote Ayanokouji-kun receives, I'll give you all 100,000 private points. Sounds good?" The masked woman said.

"How can we be sure you have that much though? You'd need...tens of millions, at least," my friend said.

The masked woman took out her phone, and showed us her point balance.

Yeah, she definitely had enough. The figure read: 100,000,000.

I could surmise she wasn't a student, considering the hefty amount she had, and the fact that the figure was exactly 100 million. It was too neat.

But then...why would the school want us to vote for Ayanokouji? Had he done something illegal that the school couldn't prove? Or had he personally offended the school director?

Whatever he had done, I don't think it warranted expulsion like this. It would be much better if the school publicly punished him, rather than having the classmates he trusted kicking him out for a few private points.

This was bad. Real bad.

After the meeting with the masked woman was over, and I had spoken to all the other people who had been part of the meeting (roughly 25 in all), I made my way over to Ayanokouji's apartment.

I knocked on his door, which soon opened, revealing the man himself.

"Hm? Hikari-san?" He said.

(Yep, new OC. Kaede Hikari. She's not gonna have much of a big role, except in this arc.)

"Hi, Ayanokouji-kun. May I please come in? It's quite urgent," I hurriedly asked.

"Uhh, sure. Is this about people ganging up on me with criticism votes?"

"Yeah, well...wait a second, how did you know?" I asked, surprised.

"It's only to be expected. I'd wager that it was the school who asked you to do it?" He guessed.

Wow, he was good. No wonder he was the co-leader of the class alongside Ryuuen.

"I-I think so. The woman who asked us had far too many points for a student," I said.

"Did this woman have dark-blond hair? Was she wearing a surgical mask?" He asked.

"Um...yes, she was actually. Why, do you know her?"

"Shit...Kushida..." he muttered.

"Kushida? As in Kikyou Kushida? What does she have to do with this?" I asked.

No one had seen or heard from Kushida Kikyou for nearly 6 months now. There were many rumours about her disappearance. Since she vanished on the exact same day that Ayanokouji-kun did, it was speculated that Ayanokouji-kun assaulted Kushida, and she had to be taken to intensive care because of the trauma. Bullshit, if you ask me.

Besides, the girl who had given us that offer didn't really look like Kushida. This girl was slightly thinner than Kushida was, and more mature as well.

"Nothing, it's nothing. Thanks for telling me this, Hikari-san. It's fine, though. I don't think I'm going to get expelled," he said.

"D-did you not listen to a word I just said? Nearly 25 people in our class are going to vote against you. Aren't you worried?" I asked.

", not really."

Authors notes
889 words
Short chapter.
New OC, nothing too wacky or wild, just someone for a small part of the plot.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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