Side story: Manabu

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Quick note!
I'm not writing arc 2 because it's so boring, and author-san can't think of any big brain moves to make it better. Trust me, I tried 😖.
So the outcome of arc 2 was that Sudou was suspended, and 50 points were transferred from class D to class C.
Glad that's cleared up.

"So, Suzune. I gather you're going on a cruise with the rest of the first-years?" I asked.
"Yes, Nii-san. I will be attending." My sister said.
When I first heard that she had come to this school, I was worried that she was still flawed. She was, and was placed in class D, but I could notice the improvements she'd made to herself during the years we'd been separated.
"Good. I would like you to keep an eye on Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and the group we met with a few months ago." I ordered.
"Yes, nii-san." Suzune bowed her head.
It pained me to have to order her to do things, but she only responded to direct orders, not requests.
"Nii-san?" She asked.
"Why must I keep an eye on them? It's not as though it's any of our business."
I sighed.
"If you must know, Suzune, your trip will contain 2 special exams. One of them is on the island, and the other on the cruise ship. The cruise ship in it of itself is dangerous. We don't know if someone could get thrown over the side of the boat or not. The island is deserted, and you will not be monitored by teachers. This means it would be extremely easy for a fight to break out." I explained.
"Understood, nii-san." Suzune bowed and made to leave.
"Suzune," I called our.
"Yes, nii-san?" She turned around.
I couldn't say anything. My words caught in my throat.
"Be careful, won't you?"
"Yes, nii-san. I will take care of myself." She walked out of the room.
God. Sometimes, she reminds me so much of our mother.
Both of our parents were killed 3 years ago, when conducting research into the Ayanokouji family, and there secret 'project'.
And at the same time I attend this school, the son of that man enters as a Kouhai.
I seriously considered Kushida's offer to join her. But no. Killing Ayanokouji wouldn't bring my parents back. It wasn't even him who carried out the killing. He probably didn't even know about our connection.
No, I had to remain neutral. I did feel sorry for anyone who went through that sick institute of forced genius. Especially for Ayanokouji. I never got to receive much love from my parents as they were taken away from us soon after Suzune was born, but Ayanokouji's father actively took steps to make sure his son had a miserable life in a place like that.
Once I get out of here, I will do everything in my power to destroy that place. I suppose I agreed with Kushida's group ideals. But I didn't want to harm Ayanokouji. He hadn't done anything wrong. Had he?

Authors notes
514 words.
Short side story. In this fic, Suzune is goated, at least a lot better than she is in the novel. She's just below Kiryuuin in intelligence and physical ability.
The Horikita siblings' parents were killed by Ayanopapa.
Horikita will try to stop conflict from happening between Ayanokouji and Kushida factions.
Not much else to say.
Hope you're doing well, and I hope you enjoyed.
PS: tell me any other characters you want side stories for, I'm definitely doing one for Kiyo and Fuka.

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