Arc 2 chapter 5: island exam part 4

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The time was near. The sun was setting on the second day of the exam, and it was time for the majority of the class to leave. The class went en masse to the teachers and asked to be let back onto the boat, saying they were too sick to continue. Sakagami-sensei didn't question them. No penalties were suffered, as we had no more points.
Now, it was just me, Ryuuen and Albert. We had changed our strategy with Albert now. Ryuuen and I had given Albert our GPS trackers. He would use the keycard to claim spots, to earn us some extra bonus points. By the end of the week, we should earn about 50 points from his efforts alone. Ibuki and Kanzaki were also on the island, trying to discover class B's and D's leaders.

Ryuuen and I set off together. Tonight would be the hardest part of the examination to pull off, but if we managed it, we could go through the rest of the week relatively carefree. Tonight, we would go to class A's camp, which Ibuki had said through the walki-talkie that class D had discovered already, and was in a cave on the North side of the island. She also said that only 2 people were seen coming out of the cave: Kouhei Katsuragi, and his lapdog, Yahiko Tatsuka. Katsuragi had been holding the keycard. This meant that either Yahiko or Katsuragi were class A's leader. In all likelihood, it was Yahiko, as Katsuragi probably wouldn't have been stupid enough to let himself be seen holding the keycard if he was actually the leader. But we wouldn't leave it up to chance, so it was time for the hard part.
At night, we would go into the cave, and find the keycard whilst everyone was sleeping. It would be difficult not to wake anyone up, but it would be safer than guessing the leader.

We had made a small camp near where we were before, out of sight in the tree line. We waited till nightfall, then went back onto the beach. Waiting for us were 2 jet-ski's fastened to the shore. We figured it would be best to use these, as navigating the dense foliage at night would be quite difficult, and possibly dangerous. We untied them, fashioned the classes 2 flashlights we had been given to the front of them, and set off. Luckily, they weren't very loud, as they had electrical engines. We purred across the waves under the moonlit night sky.

We circled the island, until we saw a faint light near the shore. That must have been the cave where class A was occupied. We tied the jet-ski's to a tree on shore, and made our way up towards the light.
When we got there, it was a cave, sure enough. The opening looked like it cut deep into the mountainside, like a demon's mouth. There were two temporary toilets and one shower room near the entrance.
"I can't really see the inside from here..."
Trying to confirm what was in the cave while keeping our distance was probably next to impossible.
"Let's go." Ryuuen said.
Luckily, even Katsuragi wasn't paranoid enough to put a night watchman outside. We entered the cave, as silent as shadows. Inside the cave were several vinyl sheets joined together in one giant tarp, which blocked us. We had to open it without damaging it, and without making a noise.
We felt around for an overlap between two, and when I found one, I gestured to Ryuuen.
Beforehand, we had gone through various hand signals, such as "this way" or "stop" or "I've found the keycard." That last one was useful.
I held it up while Ryuuen went through, and he did the same for me. We set it down gently, making almost no noise. Beyond the vinyl wall were two tents. I gestured which one I would go to, leaving Ryuuen to go to the other one.
When I got to the tent door, I opened the zip extremely slowly. Doing it too fast would create noise, so it was better to spend time doing it. Ryuuen did the same. After two minutes, the door had opened enough so that I could walk through if I bowed my head. I looked inside.
I had got the girls tent.
Although we knew that the leader was either Yahiko or Katsuragi, they could have hidden the card with the girls, so it was a good idea to check them.
I made a silent prayer that no one would wake up, and checked the bags of the girls. All I could find were changes of clothes and underwear, and some toiletries. But no keycard. I thought I would have to check inside the sleeping bags then. As I was about to dip my hand inside, however, I felt a tap on my back.
I turned around, and I saw Ryuuen. He gave me a thumbs up, the gesture for "I've found the keycard." We got out of the tents, and zipped them back up, very slowly.
We snuck out through the vinyl, and ran back down to the beach. Finally, we could relax.
"What was the name on the keycard?" I asked.
"Just as we thought: Yahiko." Ryuuen smirked.
Good. We now had definitive proof of a class leader, and soon, we would have the other two.
We went back to the jet-ski's, untied them, and set off again.
We travelled along the coast, till we found the rendezvous point where we would spend the rest of the island exam: a wooden fishing hut, complete with fishing rods. We had gone there earlier today with some supplies, such as food and water, enough to last the two of us for the rest of the week. The rest of the supplies had gone to Albert, who would meet us here on the second-to-last day of the exam, along with Ibuki and Kaneda.
"Well, Ayanokouji. All we can do now is wait for the exam to end." Ryuuen said, laying on one of the beds that the shack had come equipped with. Not camping mats, actual beds. With pillows.
"Yep. I can't wait to see the Kushida groups reaction when we reveal ourselves." I said.
"Kukuku, me neither. Goodnight, Ayanokouji." Ryuuen said.
Tomorrow, we would have to bring the jet-ski's out of the water and hide them somewhere, probably in the jungle.
But now it was time for sleep.

Ibuki pov
It was the dead of night.
I had stayed awake so that I could complete the mission as soon as I was sure everyone had gone to sleep.
I then got up, and started looking through the girls bags. After about 5 minutes, I found what I was looking for: the keycard.
I saw the words Horikita Suzune written on the corner.
I put it back in the bag, and went over to my bed, and went back to sleep.

Kaneda pov
It wasn't hard to discern the leader. This class was too carefree. The only one here that posed a threat was Kanzaki. He was in Kushida's gang, that hated Ayanokouji for some reason.
I had seen the leader claiming the spot, several times:
Shiranami Chihiro.
I went over to her hammock, and found the card in her pocket.
Sure enough, her name was written on it.
I went back over to my own hammock.
Sleep found me quickly.

Unknown pov
I woke up suddenly, to the sound of someone getting up and searching bags. I peered through the gloom, and saw Ibuki Mio looking at the keycard.
She turned around, and I quickly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I heard her go back to sleep. I knew that she hadn't come up with this plan. This had his name written all over it.
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. God, I hate you.

Authors notes
1252 words
I had a lot of fun with this chapter, even though it was pretty short. I really liked the idea of Ryuuen and Ayanokouji riding across the ocean, under the moonlight.
Ryuuen and Ayanokouji have confirmed Yahiko Tatsuko as the leader of class A
Ibuki has confirmed Horikita Suzune as the leader of class D
Kaneda has confirmed Shiranami Chihiro as the leader of class B
Next chapter will take place the day before the exam ends, when Ibuki, Kaneda and Albert go to the shack where Ayanokouji and Ryuuen are hidden.
Here are the point standings for then:
Class A: 250 points + 22 bonus points.
Class B: 220 points + 22 bonus points.
Class C: 0 points + 45 bonus points.
Class D: 240 points + 22 bonus points.
(The bonus points are the same for A B and D because they've only been occupying 1 spot for the same amount of time as each other.)
A certain class D girl saw Ibuki look at the keycard.
Next chapter should be interesting.
Not much else to say
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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