Arc 12 chapter 2: date.

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"In light of the recent tragedy befalling your senpai, the acting director has seen fit to lower the stakes on the upcoming special exam. Second-year students will now receive the same penalty as the first-years upon failure, which will be 3 months without private points," said Sakagami, as we entered the classroom.

Although nobody dared show it, relief washed across the classroom. I imagine the decision was made because students wouldn't be able to study for fear of this new threat.

"Also, it is advised to never be alone with a single person, especially at night or at school events. Always travel in groups of 3 or more," he continued.


"That concludes class for today. You may go now," he finished, the bell ringing not a second later.

We all got up to leave.

"Is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka here?" A voice spoke from the doorway.

It was Nagumo, prince of pricks himself.

I decided to hide behind Albert and walk out the front door

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I decided to hide behind Albert and walk out the front door.

"Ayanokouji, I can see you," Nagumo said.

I continued walking.

"H-hey, I said I can see you," he said again, this time a little less cocky.

I continued walking, until my protective shield shielded me from exiting the classroom.

Albert blocked me from exiting the classroom.

"It's no good...idea to unaccept. You should...see what he wishes for," he said, in Japanese.

He was steadily coming along in the spoken language, but he was still almost hopeless when it came to the written language.

I sighed, and waited faced Nagumo. We waited until everyone had poured out of the classroom.

"Ah, Ayanokouji. How long has it been, I wonder? I'd say, by a whisker, 6 months. Not since our little 'chat' on the rooftop," he said, his swagger returning full force.

I didn't say anything.

"Well, this may come as no shock to you, but I would like to ask you a few questions," he continued.

"About what? Your mum's bedroom?"

Nagumo flinched slightly when I said that, but he quickly regained his composure.

"No, as a matter of fact. Where were you on the day of Akiko Ikeda's passing?" He asked.

Why did everyone keep suspecting me. I wasn't THAT suspicious, was I?

"Ask the acting director. He'll give you the full lore summary," I said, going to walk out of the classroom.

"Well, you see, I already did. And he says he didn't know where you were. So, can I take it you have no alibi?" He asked again.

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